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Hi! I’m Mr. Catsby.

There are some rules we need to

follow, if we want to make plural

Don’t worry!
I will teach you!
Nouns ending in
-s ending –ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z, -o +

Cat – cats Bus – buses

Flat - flats Brush - brushes

Nouns ending in –f, -fe Nouns ending in

+ -ves consonant –y + -ies

Wolf – wolves Candy – candies

Wife - wives Fly - flies

There are some exceptions!

Let me show you …


foot feet mouse mice

tooth teeth man men

fish fish woman women

goose geese child children

deer deer person people

I can see …

Say how many animals you can see.

knife lion baby watch potato egg box

party bus loaf shelf eye dress

story star berry half girl country

-s -es -ies -ves

lions watches babies knives

eggs potatoes parties loaves
eyes boxes stories shelves
stars buses berries halves
girls dresses countries
feet men fish

children sheep
geese mice women

mouse mice child children woman women

man men fish fish goose geese

sheep sheep person people foot feet

Rewrite these sentences in the plural

1. She is a teacher. 1. They are teachers.

2. He is a policeman. 2. They are policemen.

3. It is a goose. 3. They are geese.

4. It is a fox. 4. They are foxes.

Rewrite these sentences in the plural

5. You’re an actress. 5. They are actresses.

6. She is a woman. 6. They are women.

7. It is a mouse. 7. They are mice.

8. He is a dentist. 8. They are dentists.

Rewrite these sentences in the plural

9. I am an uncle. 9. They are uncles.

10. It is a sheep. 10. They are sheep.

11. She is a singer. 11. They are singers.

12. You are a farmer. 12. They are farmers.

Make the plural form

one butterfly butterflies

two ____________
Make the plural form

one clown clowns

two _________
Make the plural form

one bus buses

two _______
Make the plural form

one leaf leaves

two _______
Make the plural form

one knife knives

two _______
Make the plural form

one fish fish

two _____
Make the plural form

one person people

two _________
Make the plural form

one tomato tomatoes

two ___________
Make the plural form

one brush brushes

two __________
Make the plural form

one tooth teeth

two _______
Make the plural form

one crab crabs

two _______
Make the plural form

one mosquito mosquitoes

three _____________
Make the plural form

one candy candies

two _________
Make the plural form

one child children

two _________
Make the plural form

one baby babies

two _________
Make the plural form

one woman women

two _________
Make the plural form

one cake cakes

two _________
Go o d

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