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Twitter API

It provides 3 types of developer account with different accessibility, rate limits and
1. Standard v1.1
2. Premium v1.1
3. Enterprise
Standard v1.1
- These APIs provide limited operators for past 7 days.
- It provides several endpoints
- Tweets : post, retrieve, and engage with tweets ; get tweet timelines; search api
which fetches data from past 7 days ; filter realtime tweets and sample of realtime
tweets one can get.
- Users: Manage account and profile settings, follow, message, block users.
- Media: upload media
- Trends: get trends near a location; get locations with trending topics
- Geo: get information from a place; get places near a location.
Rate Limits
Each endpoint in standard apis have different rate limits. These apis are free to
use but provide only limited data; just good enough for exploring the content type.
For more refer -

Endpoint Requests / window per user Requests / window per app

GET favorites/list 75 75

GET followers/list 15 15

GET geo/id/:place_id 75 0

GET search/tweets 180 450

Premium v1.1

It offers scalable access to Twitter data. It provides 2 endpoints :

1.Search Tweets API : 30 days of Full archive
a.30 days endpoint = provides Tweets posted within the last 30 days
b.Full - archive endpoint = provides complete and instant access to Tweets dating all the way back to
the first Tweet in March 2006.
2.Account Activity API : The premium Account Activity API allows to real-time delivery of an account’s
activities. Pricing is listed below.
Below is a table that summarizes the differences in the Sandbox and Premium version.
Premium API Pricing
30 Days Full Archive

It provides highest level of accessibility to the Twitter data.

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