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Human Capital M

Group Four
Group Member

Fengjie He Olivia Fangxin Di Lily

Chunyan yang Yang Xiaoyan Li Anne

Rui Zhang David

Introduction 介绍
contents • Human capital management (HCM) informs decisions on th
e issues critical to the organization’s success by systematic
1. Human Capital Management De ally analysing, measuring and evaluating how people polici

fined 李晓燕 Xiaoyan Li es and practices create value.

• 人力资本管理 (HCM) 通过系统地分析、衡量和评估人员政

2. The Concept of Human Capital
狄方馨 Fangxin Di
3. Constituents of human capital
• This chapter first defines HCM in more detail and then exa
贺凤杰 Fengjie He
mines the underpinning concept of human capital and the si
4. The significance of human capit gnificance of HCM.
al theory 张锐 Rui Zhang
• 本章首先会对 HCM 进行详细的定义,然后会考察人力资
5. Human capital measurement 本的基本概念和 HCM 的意义。

杨春燕 Chunyan Yang

1.Human Capital Management Defined 人力资本管理定义
• As defined by Baron and Arm strong (2007), HCM is concerned with obtaining, analysing and
report ing on data which info rms the direction of value-adding people management strategic
, investment and operational decis ions at co rporate level and at t he level of front-line mana
gement . It is , as Paul Kearns (2005) emphas ized, ultimately about value.

• 根据 Baron 和 Arms trong (2007) 的定义, HCM 与获取、分析和报告数据有关,这些数据为企业层面和

一线管理人员指明管理战略、投资和运营决策的方向。 正如 Paul Kearns (2005) 所强调的,它最终是关于

• The defining characteristic of HCM is the use of measurements (metrics ) to guide an approac
h to managing people which regards them as as sets and emphasizes that competitive advant
age is achieved by s trategic investments in those ass et s thro ugh employee engagement and
retention, t alent management and learning and development programmes. HCM provides a b
ridge between HR and business s trategy. It is based on the concept of human capit al.

• HCM 的特征是使用度量(指标)来指导管理人员的方法,该方法将员工视为资产,并强调通过员工合同和保
留、人才管理以及学习和发展项目对这些资产进行战略投资来实现竞争优势。 HCM 在 HR 和业务战略之间
架起了一座桥梁。 它基于人力资本的概念。
2.The Concept of Human Capital 人力资本的概念
• Individuals generate, retain and use knowledge and skill (human capital) and create intellectual capital.
Their knowledge is enhanced by the interactions between them (social capital), and generates the institu
tionalized knowledge possessed by an organization (organizational capital).

• 个人产生、保留和使用知识和技能(人力资本)并创造智力资本。 他们的知识通过(社会资本)之间的相

• Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the people employed in an organization.
HCM is about generating and analysing the information needed to develop and manage these people.

• 人力资本包括雇员的知识、技能和能力。 HCM 是关于生成和分析开发和管理这些人员所需的信息。

•The term ‘human capital’ was originated by Schultz (1961), who elaborated his notion in 1981 as follows:
•Consider all human abilities to be either innate or acquired. Attributes… which are valuable and can
be augmented by appropriate investment will be human capital.

• “ 人力资本”一词起源于舒尔茨( 1961 ),他在 1981 年详细阐述了他的概念如下:

• 将所有人类能力视为先天的或后天的。 属性……有价值且可以通过适当投资增强的属性会是人力资本。
2.The Concept of Human Capital 人力资本的概念

• A more detailed definition was put forward by Bontis et al (1999):

• Human capital represents the human factor in the organization; the combined intelligence, skil
ls and expertise that gives the organization its distinctive character. The human elements of th
e organization are those that are capable of learning, changing, innovating and providing the c
reative thrust which if properly motivated can ensure the long-term survival of the organizatio

• Bontis 等人 (1999) 提出了更详细的定义:

• 人力资本代表组织中的人为因素; 综合智力、技能和专业知识,赋予组织独特的个性。 组织的

3.Constituents of human capital 人力资本的组成

• Intellectual capital 智力资本

• The concept of human capital is associated with the overarching notion of intellectu
al capital. This is defined as the stoc ks and flows of knowledge available to an organ
ization. These can be regarded as the intangible resources associated with people w
hich, together with tangible resources (money and physical assets), comprise the ma
rket or total value of a business. Bontis (1998) defined intangible resources as the fa
ctors other than financial and physical assets that contribute to the value-generating
processes of a firm and are under its control.

• 人力资本的概念与智力资本的总体概念有关。 这被定义为组织可用的知识存量和流量。 这些可以被

视为与人相关的无形资源,与有形资源(金钱和实物资产)一起构成企业的市场或总价值。 Bontis
(1998) 将无形资源定义为除金融和有形资产之外的有助于公司价值创造过程并受其控制的因素。
3.Constituents of human capital 人力资本的组成
• Social capital 社会资本

• Social capital is ano ther element of intellectual capital. It consist s of the knowledge deriv
ed from networ ks of relationships within and outs ide t he organization. The concept of soc
ial ca pital was defined by Putnam (1996) as ‘the features of s ocial life – networ ks, norms
and t rus t – that enable participants to act together more effectively to purs ue shared ob j
ectives ’. It is import ant to ta ke into account s ocial capital consideratio ns, that is, the wa
ys in which knowledge is developed through interaction between people. Bontis et al (199
9) pointed out that it is flows as well as s toc ks that matter. Intellectual capit al develops a
nd changes over time, and a s ignificant part is played in these process es by people acting
t ogether.

• 社会资本是智力资本的 另一个要素。 它 由来自组织内外关系网络的知识组成。 Putnam (1996) 将社会资

本的概念定义为“社会生 活的特征——网络 、规范和信任——使参与者能够更有效地共同行动以追求共同
目标”。 重要的是要考 虑社会资本因素, 即通过人与人之间的互 动发展知识的方 式。 Bontis 等人 (199
9) 指出,重要的是流量和存量。 智力资本 随着时间的推移而发展和变化,人们共同行动在这些过程中发挥
3.Constituents of human capital 人力资本的组成
• Organizational capital 组织资本

• Organizat ional capital is the institutionalized knowledge poss es sed by an organization wh

ich is s tored in databases , manuals and so on ( Youndt, 2000). It is often called structural
capital ( Edvins on and Malone, 1997), but the term organizatio nal capital is preferred by Y
o undt because, he argues , it conveys more clearly that this is the knowledge that the org
anization actually owns.

• 组织资本是 存储在数据库、手册等中的组织所 拥有的制度化知识( Youndt , 2000 )。 它通常被称为结

构资本( Edvins on 和 Malone , 1997 ),但 Youndt 更喜欢术语 组织资本一词,因为他 认为,它更
4.The significance of human capital theory 人力资本理论的意义
•The significance of human capital theory 人力资本理论的意义

•The added value that people can contribute to an organization is emphasized by human capital theory. It r
egards people as assets, and stresses that investment by organizations in people will generate worthwhile
• 人力资本理 论强调人们可以为组织 贡献的附加值。 它将人视为资产,强调组织对人的投资会产生有价值的

• More human capital formation means an increase in product ion capacity of the economy
as a whole. Increase in productio n capacity implies higher level of output and higher level
o f growth and development. 更多的人力资本 形成意味着整个经济体的生产能力增 加。 生产能力的增

• Effective human capital management is not only critical for ensuring the health and succe
ss of your busines s but to enable you to compete in an increasingly competitive world. 有
效的人力资本管理不仅对确保企业的健康和成功至关重要, 而且使您能够在竞争日益激烈的世界中竞争。
5.Human capital measurement 衡量人力资本
• Human capital measurement has been defined by I DS (2004) as being ‘about finding lin ks, c
orrelations and, ideally, caus ation, between different sets o f (HR) data, us ing s tatis tical tech
niques’.IDS (2004) 将人力资本衡量定义为“使用统 计技术在不同的 (HR) 数据集之间寻找联系、相关性

• As Bec ker et al (2001) emphas ized, ‘The mos t potent action HR mana gers can ta ke to ensur
e their s trategic contribution is to develop a measurement system that convincingly showcas
es HR’s impact on business performance. ’ They must ‘understand how the firm creates va
lue and how to m eas ure the value creation proces s ’. 正如 Bec ker 等人 (2001) 所强调的那 样,
“人力资源经理可以采取的最有效的行动来确保他们的战略 贡献是开发一个测量系统,令人信服地展示人力资
源对业务绩效的影响。”他们必须“了解公司如何创造价值以及如何衡量创造价值的过 程”

• The primary aim of HCM is to as ses s the im pact of human resource management practices a
nd the contribution made by people to organizational performance. Methods of measuring i
mpact and contribution based upon human capital data have therefore to be developed. HC
M 的主要目的是评估人力资源管理实 践的影响以及人们对组织 绩效的贡献。 因此,必须开发基于人力资本数
5.Human capital measurement 衡量人力资本
• The need for human capital measurement 人力资本衡量的必要性
•There is an overwhelming case for evolving methods of valuing human capital as an aid to people manag
ement decision making. This may mean identifying the key people management drivers and modelling the
effect of varying them. The need is to develop a framework within which reliable information can be colle
cted and analysed, such as added value per employee, productivity and measures of employee behaviour
(attrition and absenteeism rates, the frequency / severity rate of accidents, and cost savings resulting from
suggestion schemes).
• 有一个压倒性的案例,即不断发展的人力资本估值方法有 助于人事管理决策。 这可能意 味着确定关键的人
员管理驱动因素并模拟改变它们的影响。 需要开发一个框架,在该框架内可以收集和分析可 靠的信息,例
如每位员工的附加值、生产力和员工行为的衡量标 准(自然减员率和缺勤率、事故频率 和严重程度以及建议
带来的成本节约) 。
5.Human capital measurement 衡量人力资本

• Becker et al (2001) refer to the need to develop a ‘high-performance perspective’ in which HR and other
executives view HR as a system embedded within the larger system of the firm’s strategy implementatio
n. They state that ‘The firm manages and measures the relationship between these two systems and firm

• Becker et al (2001) 提到需要发展“ 高绩效视角”,其中 HR 和其他高管将 HR 视为嵌入到公司战略

实施的更大系统中的系统。 他们指出,“ 公司管理和衡量这两个系统与公司绩效之间的关系。”
5.Human capital measurement 衡量人力资本

• Approaches to measurement 测量方法

• The human capital inde x (人力资本指数) : Watson Wya tt.

• The organizational performance model (组织绩效模型) : Mercer HR Consulting.

• The human capital monitor (人力资本监督员) : Andrew Mayo .

• Measurement elements 测量因素

Workforce data, people development data, perceptual data and performance data.

劳动力数据、人员发展数据、 感知数据和绩效数据。

Factors affecting choice of measurement 影响测量的要素

• Type of organiza tion ; its business goals and drivers . 组织类型; 其业务目标和驱动因素。

• The existing key performance indicators (KPIs ). 现有的关键绩效指标 (KPI) 。

• Use of a balanced scorecard. 使用平衡计分卡。

• The availability, use and manageability of data. 数据的可用性、使用和可管理性。

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