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What is rhizobium?
Are bacteria that fix nitrogen after becoming
established inside root nodules of legumes. To
express genes for nitrogen fixation, Rhizobia require
a plant host ; they cannot independently fix
nitrogen. In general they are Gram- negative,
motile, non- sporulation rods.
What does rhizobia do to plants?
• Are legume root- nodule bacteria
• They are soil bacteria that induce the formation of special
structures( Nodule)on the roots of their host plants . Inside
these nodules, the rhizobia fix nitrogen . This means that
they convert dinitrogen (the nitrogen gas that makes up
80% of the air you breathe into ammonia
Is rhizobium important?
•Yes, it is important soil bacteria
that has the ability to make the
atmospheric nitrogen available to
Is rhizobium harmful?
• Rhizobia are common soil bacteria.
• They are not toxic to humans, plants or animals . It is
one of the most beneficial bacteria to agriculture.
Some rhizobia are specific and nodulate only specific
legumes, while others may nodulate several legumes

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