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staycation - vacations
that you take at home or
near your home rather
than traveling to another
The aim of staycation

Understand and experience the main features of British culture

without leaving home
Things that The Great
Britain is associated with

1 Gloomy Weather

2 Afternoon tea

3 Great literary heritage ,

4 Fish and chips , the
traditional English breakfast
5 Football(soccer)
We can divide all of the listed things into 3

1) Before noon ( online museum excursion ,

the traditional breakfast)

2) After noon (reading session ,


3) Evening (fish and chips ,

football match)
Before noon

We can start our day by firstly cooking the traditional English breakfast
with the help of any recipe that can be found in the internet ( for
english-breakfast) .
Having prepared the meal, we will move to the virtual excursion
around British Museum and The Natural History museum. Google Arts
& Culture teamed up with over 2500 museums and galleries around
the world to bring anyone and everyone virtual tours and online
exhibits of some of the most famous museums around the world. This
program includes these 2 previously mentioned legendary museums.
After noon

Next we need to create typical gloomy British weather. In order to do

this, we have to hang dark curtains and turn on rain sounds. Then I
would suggest to make some tea. Tea is not only one of the most
popular beverages in Britain, it is also an essential part of the culture.
However, this tea drinking will not be truly British if we don’t pick up a
piece of literature( an e-book , to be precise). I think the most suitable
one will be Harry Potter since its cozy atmosphere perfectly adds up to
the situation

Britain is regarded as the birthplace of football (soccer). It’s a sport

that many British males and even females live and breath for. So,
definitely, we should get to know this type of sport. I propose to watch
a football match of Manchester United.
As far as I am concerned, fish and chips is the most well-known British
dish. We can easily cook( and
eat it while watching the match to make our evening more authentic.
Thank you for your attention!

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