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Fundamental Movement Patterns

Fundamental Movement Patterns

-are patterns that allow the
body to be coordinated in those
simple, basic movement patterns
of lateral motion, weight transfer,
forward motion, up and down
motion, and coordinating upper
and lower body movements.
Phases of Exercise

Warm up


Cool down
Warm Up
The warm up phase of exercise
prepares your body for the activity of
the conditioning part of your workout.
Warming up before exercise allows
your body to adjust gradually to the
increased demand on your heart,
muscles, breathing and circulation.

During the conditioning

phase, you perform the
exercise that produces fitness
benefits, such as calorie
burning, building endurance or
muscle strengthening. 
Cool Down
The cool down phase ends your
exercise session with recovery time for
your body. Cooling down requires you to
keep moving after you end the
conditioning phase. Cool down
movements should allow your heart rate,
blood pressure and body temperature to
return slowly to normal
Fundamental Movement Skills


A squat is a movement pattern where

you plant both feet on the ground,
then bend your legs to lower your
body down while keeping your chest
up and lower back straight.
A lunge is single leg exercise
movement that requires one
leg to step forward and bend
while the other leg remains
A pushing exercise requires
pushing external weight away
from your body, or your center of
mass away from the ground, like
in a push up.
A pulling motion is the opposite of
a pushing motion, in that you are
pulling a weight towards your
body, or pulling your center of
mass toward an object, like in a
pull up. 
a third plane of motion which
makes exercise much more
functional – the transverse
plane, or twisting motion.

Bending is a movement
pattern where you bend
your torso by hinging your
Walking, jogging, or sprinting is
called a gait, which requires
pulling, lunging, and twisting
motions to propel the body

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