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Would you like to ... (come/visit/attend) to ...
Could you come to…
I’d very much like if ...
Would you care to ….
I’ll be really happy if you come to….
I’m sure that you will not be disappointed to come to….
Accepting an Invitation
Thank you for inviting me.
I would/will …. (come/attend/visit)
That would be very nice.
I’d like to love to come.
That’s fine.
Sure. Why not?
Declining an Invitation
I’m very sorry, I think I can’t
I’d like to, but (reason)
Thank you for asking me, but ….
Unfortunately, I can’t ….
Invitation by Dialog

Mr. Ibrahim will make a meeting with Mr. William.

Mr. Ibrahim : I have a great business. Could you come to my office?

Mr. William : Thank you for inviting me. When will we meet up?

Mr. Ibrahim : We can meet at 9 a.m.

Mr. William: Okay, I will be there.

Mr. Ibrahim: Thank you. See you!

Invitation by letter
No: 27 / N11.8.4 / DIN / KP / 1.2014
Subject: Follow-up Workshop
Appendix: 2 (two) Sheets
Manager PT. Maju Sejahtera
Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 07 Solo

Having discussed about the idea of conducting workshops together with PT Maju
sejahtera, through this letter we would like to invite PT Maju Sejahtera to conduct the
workshop together.
The workshop will be held on April 4th 2016 in Angkasa jaya Hall. The material which will be
discussed in this workshop is the process of marketing our product. For more detail, we
will give further information about the total cost and the technical implementation of the
workshop.For further information, we attach a proposal Workshop with this letter.

The main director of PT. Angkasa Jaya

Dr. Muhammad Yusuf, M.pd

Pahlawan Street no. 99 South Teluk Betung
Bandar Lampung, Lampung
Bandar Lampung, April 1st, 2016
Heru Susanto, S.Kom
Maju Terus, Ltd
Soedirman Street no. 56 South Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dear Mr. Heru Susanto, S.Kom,
To celebrate the third anniversary of our company, through this letter we invite all managers of Maju
Terus, Ltd to attend the last preparation meeting which will be held on:
Day/date    : Saturday, April 30th 2016
Time        : 9 A.M – end
Venue        : SHERATON Convention Hall
We hope that you will be able to come because we will take the final decision of our program. Thanks
for your nice attention.
Toni Purwanto, S.E
Chairman of the Committee

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