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Andika Putri

First Supervisor Second Supervisor

Dr. Elismawati, M.Pd. Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd.

A. Background of the Problem

Teaching is a series of activities to deliver materials to students in order
to receive, respond, master, and develop learning materials.Before teaching,
teacher is required to make lesson plans.
In the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 22 (2016) on the Standard Process of Basic
and Medium Education, lesson plan is a detailed learning plan developed
based on the syllabus, textbooks, and teacher manuals.
In the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 81A (2013) About Curriculum Implementation
The lesson plan includes: (1) school data, subjects, and class / semester; (2)
subject matter; (3) time allocation; (4) learning objectives, basic
competencies and indicators of achievement; (5) learning materials; learning
methods; (6) media, tools and learning resources; (6) steps of learning
activities; and (7) assessment
Indicators of achievement have a very important role in
the lesson plans, because the good process of teaching and
learning should be well planned.
Based on the pre-observation in SMAN 1 Lembah
Melintang, the researcher found that there are some
mismatches of teacher’s lesson plan with teaching activity.
What is written in the lesson plan is not relevant from what
the teacher did during the teaching and learning process. For
example, when explaining the "Describing People" material in
grade-X using the 2013 curriculum, the teacher did not explain
the structure of the text based on basic competency demands.
Whereas based on the demands of basic competencies, the
student can identify the structure of the text.
B. Identification of the Problem
1. Teacher teaches in a monotonous way that
makes students less enthusiastic in learning.
2. Media used by teacher is less varied.
3. Teaching activities did not match what is written
in the teacher's lesson plan.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Relevancy of indicators of achievement in lesson
plans with teaching activities at grade-X in
2020/2021 academic year at SMAN 1 Lembah
Melintang, Pasaman Barat, Sumatera Barat.
D. Formulation of the Problem
How is relevancy of the indicator of achievement in
the teacher’s lesson plan with teaching activity at grade-
X in 2020/2021 academic year at SMAN 1 Lembah
Melintang, Pasaman Barat, Sumatera Barat?

E. Purpose of Research
To analyze the relevancy between indicators of
achievement in teacher’s lesson plan with teaching
activity at grade-X in 2020/2021 academic year at
SMAN 1 Lembah Melintang, Pasaman Barat, Sumatera
F. Significance of the Research
1. For teacher, this information can help the
teachers to teach relevant with indicator of
achievement that has been arranged previously
in lesson plan.
2. For researcher, the researcher can get
knowledge and insight on how to develop the
indicator of achievement from basic
competency, and how to apply the indicator to
the design of teaching activity in lesson plan and
also practice it on the real teaching activity.
G. Definition of the Key Terms
1. Relevancy is relation between indicators of achievement
in teacher's lesson plan with teaching activity.
2. Indicator of achievement is marker of achievement of
basic competencies characterized by measurable
behavioral changes that include attitudes, knowledge,
and skills.
3. Teaching activity is an educational process that provides
opportunities for learners to develop their potential in
terms of attitude, knowledge, and skills.
4. Lesson plan is planning done by the teacher before
teaching and learning process in class which refer to
syllabus, textbooks, and teacher handbook.

A. Nature of the 2013 Curriculum

The 2013 curriculum is a new curriculum that was implemented in the
2013/2014 school year. The 2013 curriculum is a series of improvements to
the 2006 curriculum (KTSP). The 2013 curriculum emphasizes the
improvement and balance of soft skills and hard skills including aspects of
competence in attitudes, skills and knowledge. There are several
characteristics of the 2013 curriculum, namely : curriculum develop a balance
between the development of spiritual and social attitudes; schools are part
of a community that provides a planned learning experience; develop
attitudes, knowledge, and skills; allow sufficient time; competence expressed
in the form of core competencies of the class; class core competency
becomes the organizing elements; and basic competency is developed based
on accumulative principles.
B. Lesson Plan
1. Definition of Lesson Plan
lesson plan is a learning plan that contains time,
methods, media, syllabus, materials and learning resources
that will be used by teacher during teaching activities. In the
lesson plan is also described how a teacher will perform
teaching activities, where the teaching activity is done, to
how the teacher is to assess the learning outcomes of
2. Components of Lesson Plan
Data of school; subjects, and classes or semesters; basic
competency; indicators of achievement; media; time
allocation; teaching methods; to the steps of learning
activities; learning resources; and assessment. Each
component is very important, so that in making the lesson
plan should not be left behind.
C. Indicatorsof Achievement
1. Definition of Indicators of Achievement
Indicators of achievement is a specific basic competency
that can be used to assess the achievement of learning
outcomes and also used as a benchmark of the extent to which
student mastery of a subject or subject.
2. Things Considered in Developing Indicators of
Each basic competence is developed into several indicators
(more than two indicators); the indicator uses operational verbs
that can be measured and observed; formulation of indicators
at least includes two aspects, namely the level of competence
and learning materials; characteristics of subjects, learners, and
schools; and also potential of community, and environment or
area and needs of learners.
D .Teaching Activity
Teaching is an activity that teachers do in conveying knowledge to
students, resulting in the learning process. Activities in question include:
convey knowledge to students; both in class and outside the classroom, and
provide stimulus, guidance, direction and encouragement with conditions
conducive to learners.

E. Review of Related Findings

1. Devyani K. Raval (2013) does research entitle “Lesson Plan: The
Blueprint of Teaching”
2. Nur Dewi (2015) entitle is “Designing the Achievement of Basic
Competency through Indicator Formulation”
3. Putu Ngurah Rusmawan (2016) entitle is “The Formulation of
Indicator in Teacher’s Syllabus on Speaking Skill”.
F. Conceptual Framework
1. Each basic competency is developed at least into three
2. Overall indicators fulfill the competency demands
contained in the verbs used in competency standards and
basic competency.
3. The developed indicators should illustrate the level or
sequence of competency.
4. Formulation of indicators at least includes the level of
competence and learning materials.
5. Indicators using the appropriate operational verbs.
6. The formulation of indicators developed into several
assessment indicators that include the cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor aspects.

B. Participants of the Research

A. Research Design Participants in this study were two
The researcher uses English teachers teaching in class X at
descriptive research . SMAN 1 Lembah Melintang, West
Pasaman, West Sumatra

C. Instrumentation D. Technique of Data Collection

The instruments use in The researcher will collect it through
this study are document observation checklist, document checklist,
checklist, and field note. and field note

E. Technique of Data Analysis

There are three steps of analyzing the data; familiarizing and organizing,
coding and reducing, interpreting and representing (Ary et al. 2010).

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