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First Grade/English Language Arts and Reading

Literacy Theorist: Dr. Maria Montessori

Let’s Start With a Greeting!
• Find two friends to give a
“pinky shake” to. While
doing this, try telling them
hello in Spanish. Say,
“Hola (friends name
• Find two different friends
to give a “high five” to.
Tell these friends “Have a
great day (friends name

Tina. (2021, July 22). 45 quick and easy morning meeting activities for kindergarten. Primary Delight.
Retrieved September 16, 2021, from
The Benefits of Greeting
•This greeting sets a positive tone by having the students
interact in a fun and friendly way. It can also cause
recognition in that having them do this daily, they are
becoming more familiar with their classmates.
•This is a great way to help students learn names because
it gives students the opportunity to move about the
classroom and speak with peers. They are practicing
hospitality by learning proper ways to greet others.
•Not only is this greeting going to be a benefit in the
classroom but in life as well. Learning these social skills
will stick with them as they grow into adulthood.
Sharing Time

You will share with the class your “About Me” paper you
did at home. After you have shared, you will be ready for
questions and comments from your classmates.
Lockridge, T., Butler, N., Davis, G. L., & Ohlaker, J. N. (2021, July 28). Sharing leads to learning. Responsive
Classroom. Retrieved September 16, 2021, from
The Benefits of Sharing
•Sharing offers community-building in the classroom by
not only learning about the people that they share a
classroom with, but also how to talk and speak with each
other about different subjects.
•The children who are sharing are learning how to speak
in a social setting. This will prepare them for the future
when they may need to give a presentation somewhere
such as a college classroom or even a job.
•The students who are listening to the presenter are
learning how to behave when others are speaking. It is
very important to know how to listen intently, and how to
respond when given the chance.
Group Activity
Everyone will turn to the classmates
nearest to you and give them at least
one compliment, such as something
you think they are good at doing.

Rycroft, E. (2020, December 18). Morning meeting ideas and

routines for K-3 to start the Day Off Right. Proud to be
Primary. Retrieved September 16, 2021, from
Benefits of Group Activities
•A social skill that children are practicing in this
activity are how to treat one another with
•To be successful in this activity, the children
receiving the compliment need to listen intently
to what is being said to them. In turn, the
person complimenting is learning how to best
deliver a compliment to someone.
•To manage behavior during this activity, I
watch about the class, listening and helping to
give appropriate feedback where needed.
Morning Message
Good morning Mrs. McCleary’s minions!

Today is Thursday, September 16, 2021.

Today we will be talking about how to
describe different things. We call these
adjectives. We will start by drawing a
picture of a monster and you will each
have a chance to describe the different
parts of it, such as it’s eyes and nose.


Mrs. McCleary

Smedley-Warren, G., & Bennett, S. (2021, July 27). Morning message in your morning
meeting. The Kindergarten Smorgasboard. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from
The Morning Message
•During this message, the children are working on their
community-building elements by working together to
produce words to describe our monster.
•This lesson is part of our TEKS – ELAR1 (20) Oral and
Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the
function of and use the conventions of academic language
when speaking and writing. Students continue to apply earlier
standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:
(A) understand and use the following parts of speech in the
context of reading, writing, and speaking: (iii) adjectives (e.g.,
descriptive: green, tall);
•The student are growing academically while working on the
message by building vocabulary and expanding their way of

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