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 Brand switching is when a consumer or group

consumers switches their allegiance form one brand to
 It is said that, the only thing permanent about
marketing to consumers is change ie,. Brand switch.
 Brand switching may due to tangible and intangible

reasons advertising, distribution, pricing,

packaging,perception, image etc.
 Brand switching is most common with products that
have no perceived variation in quality across brands
such as bottled water, paper towels etc.
 But sometimes brand switching is a difficult task where

there is strong brand loyalty.

 Marlboro cigarettes
 German Mercedes
 Marlboro cigarettes
 German Mercedes
 Marlboro cigarettes
 German Mercedes
 Marlboro cigarettes
 German Mercedes
Reasons for brand switching
 Change in consumer
Change in consumer behavior and
environmental influences may
affect the decision sequence acting
on the consumer’s motivation and
 Non- performance of brand
If the customers find that, there is a low commitment
to a brand or the performance is not up to their
expectation they switch the brand.
 Habits :
Habits are standardized responses to
recurring situations. They tend to
persist as long as they remain
unchallenged by additional information
or better value.
Examples: Maruthi cars
 Habits :
Habits are standardized responses to
recurring situations. They tend to
persist as long as they remain
unchallenged by additional information
or better value.
Examples: Maruthi cars
 Habits :
Habits are standardized responses to
recurring situations. They tend to
persist as long as they remain
unchallenged by additional information
or better value.
Examples: Maruthi cars
 Habits :
Habits are standardized responses to
recurring situations. They tend to
persist as long as they remain
unchallenged by additional information
or better value.
Examples: Maruthi cars
 Low perceived value
If the consumers are not getting
intangible benefits along with tangible
benefits, they switch the brands.
Example : brand switch from HMT
watches to Titan watches
 Low perceived value
If the consumers are not getting
intangible benefits along with tangible
benefits, they switch the brands.
Example : brand switch from HMT
watches to Titan watches
 Price
When income falls more attention is paid to the price
of the brand
Example : Reliance Mobile
 Price
When income falls more attention is paid to the price
of the brand
Example : Reliance Mobile
 Bad brand experience.
It is important for the companies to peg a
service and not make customers to beg a
 Consumers must be treated like a king

but not like a beggar

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