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Corporate Governance:
Corporate Governance may be defined as a set of system pro
cesses and principles which ensure that a company is govern
ed in the best interest of stakeholders.
Elements of Corporate Governance
1. Governmental effectiveness
2. Transparency.
3. Rule of law.
4. Good board practice.
5. Board commitment.
Effects of Corporate Governance on share price i
s depend on:
Stability of financial market, increases competitive
ness enhance transparency.
Stakeholders interests
Leads to lower the cost of capital, high demand for
Objective of the study:
To examine the impact of corporate governance
To improve policy makers research,
To show the effects of company’s specific variables
To rebuild public trust in companies and financial markets
To achieve better performance
Limitations of the study
Scarcity of availability of data
Primary sources of data are not available
Manipulation of data
time constraints
imperfect market.
Now Presenting
Anisur Rahman
Literature Review
Author Name Publishing year of Journal The impact of corporate
Article governance on stock
Heracleous, Lizos 2001 Positive
Bauer, Rob; Frijins, Bart; 2008 Positive
ROger Otten, Alireza
Samontary, Durga Prasad 2010 Positive
Malik, Saif Ullah 2012 Positive
Andreou; Antoniou; 2012 Positive
Horton; Louca
Ronoh, Evans Kipngeo 2014 Positive
Ronoh, Evans Kipngeo 2014 Positive
Literature Review (continue
d) Author Name Publishing year of Journal The impact of corporate
Article governance on stock
Gupta, Pooja; Sharma, 2014 Positive(Limited)
Aarti Mehta
Saeed; Mubarak; 2016 Positive
Hamdan, Mousa
Mohamed, M. Elewa 2016 Positive
Yameen, Mohammad; 2019 Some variables have
Farhan, Najib H.; Tabash, positive impact and some
Mosab I. have negative impact.
Hunjra, Ahmed Imran; 2020 Some variables have
Mehmood, Rashid; positive impact and some
Tayachi, Tahar have negative impact.
Karamoy, Herman; Tulung, 2020 Negative
Joy E.
Research Methodology
*Research methodology is a technique to show overall
*It helps a research to know how to come across the result.
*In this study we have used five steps in research methodology.

Research approach:
* Quantative method has been used.
*Linear Regression model has been used to analyze data.
*Descriptive statistics is used to present data analysis.
* To find impact six variables has been used.
* Statistical software E-views and MS Excel is used.
Research Methodology
Sampling Technique:
* This study used 5 listed non bank FI among 23.
* we used simple random sampling method to select
* The five FI are:
1.ICB ltd.
2. IPDC Finance ltd.
3.First Finance ltd.
4. Uttara Finance and Investment ltd.
5. Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company ltd.
Research methodology
Variables: After analyzing several study paper we take 11
variables. But we found that 6 variables are most significant
for this study.
1. Dependent variables: share price
2. Independent variables: Price to earning ratio (P/E ratio),
Governmental Effectiveness ( GOVEF), Corporate social
responsibility( CSR), Divided per share ( Dividend), Number of
independent Directors( NIDIR).
Data Collection:
*All data is collected from the secondary sources.
* The main source is the annual report for period 2010- 2019.
Research methodology
Econometric model:
* Descriptive statistics has been used to show mean, SD,
skewness and value of data.
* Correlation matrix is presented to show multicollinearity.
* To show the relationship between independent and
dependent variables OLS model has been used using 10 years
time series data.
The basic linear model is:
Y = α + β1X 1+ β2X2 + ………..+ βnXn + ε

In this study this model can be written as :

Stock price= α + β1P/E ratio + β2GOVEF + β3CSR + β4Dividend + β5
Analysis and Findings
 Summary statistics Analysis
Variable Mean S.D. Skewness Kurtosis

P/E ratio 38.913 0.484 3.1732 11.730

GOVEF 0.9400 0.239 -3.7055 9.3412

CSR 0.9000 0.303 -2.6667 5.1111

Dividend 12.899 1.582 0.92445 -0.5997

NIDIR 3.2000 2.432 1.2422 -0.0842

Correlation Analysis


P/E Ratio GOVEF CSR Dividend NIDIR

0.193156 0.235314 0.562093 0.279111 0.225314

Share Price 3.197424 0.670035 1.288351 0.964019 0.767005

0.1025 0.0592 0.0441 0.0358 0.0292

Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS) Model
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

P/E ratio 0.149002 0.060701 2.455 0.0187 **

GOVEF 1.050268 1.030313 3.3022 0.0021 ***

CSR 3.06294 2.251921 0.4939 0.0324 **
Dividend 1.66976 0.195102 8.558 0.0015 ***
NIDIR 0.188066 1.60598 3.853 0.0004 ***
R-squared 0.453320 Adjusted R-squared 0.295248

S.E. of regression 0.043017

Autocorrelation Test
In Hypothesis test tells:
• Null hypothesis H0: No autocorrelation/serial correlation in residuals.
• Alternative hypothesis Ha: Autocorrelation in residuals.
If p value is greater than .05 or 5% accept null

Particulars value   Result

Durbin-Watson statistic 2.43671   No

Accept Autocorrelation
p-value 0.66217 Null problem
Multicollinearity Test
If Variance inflation factor (VIF) is more than 10, Multicollinearity problem
prevails in the model.

Variables Value

P/E ratio 1.453

GOVEF 3.516
CSR 1.423
Dividend 5.612
NIDIR 1.472
 According to Variance inflation factor (VIF) the value of all the variables i
s less than 10 so there is no evidence of excessive Co-linearity in the mo
 From the regression result we can see that all variables have significant i
mpact on share price.
 But Dividend, number of independent directors and Governmental effe
ctiveness has the most significant impact on share price.
 One unit increase in dividend, number of independent directors and Go
vernmental effectiveness are reasonable to 1.69, 0.18 and 1.05 unit incr
ease in share price respectively.
 One unit increase in corporate social responsibility causes a 3.06 unit inc
rease in share price.
 Where one unit increase in P/E ratio causes a 0.14 unit increase in share
Governmental effectiveness shows a significant positive imp
act on stock price. so, FI should emphasis on increase gover
nmental effectiveness.
 CSR is not only important to increase stock price, it has muc
h more importance to the society. So, FI management shoul
d contribute on CSR. If needs should keep extra budget on t
his sector.
 The dividend policy should be based on investors and the m
anagement should provide dividend in a regular basis.
 According to the regulations of Bangladesh Bank, a FI instit
ution must have at least one third of independent directors
among total number of directors. The NIDIR has a positive si
gnificant impact on stock price. So, FI management should tr
y to keep maximum number of independent directors.
 Though beyond these factors other micro and macro econo
mical factors affect stock price, the management of FI shoul
d keep especial attention on these factors and strictly obey t
he regulations of BB.

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