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Hamsters are small rodents that are commonly kept as 

house pets. They are

MY PET:- distinguishable from other rodents due to their short tails, stubby legs and small
HAMSTER ears. Hamsters have many different colors, including black, grey, brown, white,
yellow, red or a mixture of several colors.
HABITAT In the wild they like to live in warm, dry areas, like sand dunes or the
edge of deserts, which explains why the first hamsters were discovered in Syria.

There are some different recommendations for what cage size is appropriate for hamsters. HSS (Hamster
Society Singapore) recommend a minimum of 4000 cm 2 (620 in2) for Syrian Hamsters and a minimum of
2800 cm2 (434 in2) for Dwarf Hamsters. While TVT (Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Tierschutz) recommend
you give Syrian Hamsters as much space as you can and at minimum 100 cm x 50 cm x 50cm (L x W x H)
which is 5000 cm2 (775 in2 Length: Roborovski
dwarf hamster: 4.5 –
5 cm, Chinese hamster:
8.2 – 13 cm, 
Chinese striped hamster:
7.4 – 10 cm
Mass: Roborovski
dwarf hamster: 20 –
25 g, Chinese hamster:
30 – 45 g, 
Chinese striped hamster:
17 –

Soft wood--  it is relatively light in weight, yet has good
strength in both tension and compression; and provides
rigidity, toughness and insulating properties on toxic
Non corrosive
As from the research about hamster we got to know
about their behavior and the habitat they like to live .So
from that the hamster cage is made from soft wood ,
and it is made like this way to give hamsters their
natural habitat. 
Where they like to play role run eat like the way they
do in their natural environment


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