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Bubble wrap

By Chris Belton
Original purpose
• Bubble wrap was invented in 1957 by engineers Alfred
Fielding and Marc Chavannes. Fielding and Chavannes
sealed two shower curtains together, creating a smattering
of air bubbles, which they originally tried to sell as wallpaper
.[4] When the product turned out to be unsuccessful as
wallpaper, the team marketed it as greenhouse insulation.
Although Bubble Wrap was branded by Sealed Air
Corporation (founded by Fielding and Chavannes) in 1960,
it was not until a few years later that its use in protective
packaging was discovered.As a packaging material, Bubble
Wrap's first client was IBM, which used the product to
protect the IBM 1401 computer during shipment. Fielding
and Chavannes were inducted into the New Jersey
Inventors Hall of Fame in 1993. Sealed Air celebrated
Bubble Wrap's 50th birthday in January 2010.
• In 2006, 2007, and 2008, Sealed Air hosted the Annual
Bubble Wrap Competition For Young Inventors. In the
competition, children are encouraged to design products
made out of bubble wrap that have uses outside of the
packaging industry. Inventions have included a "Bubble
Wrap Car Door Cover", a "Bubble Wrap Cushy
Wheelchair", and "Transformable Bubble Wrap
Kite".Popping Bubble Wrap is sometimes used as stress-
relief, and Sealed Air's corporate offices have "stress
relief boxes" that are filled with Bubble Wrap for the
employees to pop. As of January 2010, over 250
Facebook pages have been dedicated to Bubble Wrap.
Thong Diaper
patent#: US D539422
In the paraphrased words of Sisqo, "All the scandalous babies in the
house show your thong th thong thong thong." What possible
justification is there for a thong diaper? Does less plastic mean they
are environmentally friendly? Are they to help adults who can't
control their bowels feel sexy? Unfortunately for us, in a design
patent no explanation is needed.
filed under Babies, Underwear
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posted on 6/17/2010, patent issued on 3/27/2007
Optical Illusion Wear

patent#: US 7107621
There are many ways to obtain a slimmer figure: exercise, dieting, amphetamines. But
sometimes, even popping pills is just too much work. Sometimes a lady just wants to
create a "false or deceptive visual impression," without the hassle. There's nothing
wrong with manipulating someone's cognitive processes, is there? It's the oldest trick in
the book! Think of it as beer goggles without the drinking.
filed under Bathing Suits, Exercise
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posted on 6/17/2010, patent issued on 9/19/2006
• Body Hair and Feet Drying Chair
• patent#: US 7117611
• Patents have so much to teach us... like a new word for butt crack!--"gluteal cleft"
• Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? "Excuse me, sir, but your cloven gluteas is scaring the
• Yes, this crotch drier blows hot air right in the spot where it usually makes an exit.
• Reading through the patent, I couldn't help wondering if this line was intentional. The bottom is
designed "to distribute weight forces and minimize the development of small cracks in the base."
But hey if they develop, we'll dry 'em!
• This has to be one of the strangest patent illustrations I've ever seen. Is this
the future of telephone help lines? "I am a plant. How can I help you?"
The patent explains:
• The voice services thus acts as a voice dialog proxy for the plant and gives
the impression to the person... that they are conversing with the plant.And
what a stimulating conversation that will be! "How are the seedlings doing?
Your leaves are looking lovely—photosynthesis sure has been kind!"
If you've ever wanted "voice interaction with a local dumb device" might I
suggest going to your local pub?

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