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-Essential organic (carbon-containing) compounds need in small

- Indispensable[essential] in human diet.
-vitamin D, niacin vitamin K and biotin are exceptions to strict dietary

-There are 13 recognized vitamins:
-water soluble (B vitamins and vitamin C )
-fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K )
Vitamin Classification and Characteristics Based on Solubility
water soluble Fat soluble

Characteristic Water Soluble Fat Soluble

Water-soluble vitamins

- The B vitamins and vitamin C

- Deficiency caused enormous suffering.

- scurvy, beriberi, pellagra and pernicious anemia

-Except vitamin B12 and vitamin c , the B vitamins involved in the
energy metabolism. Vitamin B12 involved in foliate metabolism and
vitamin C in the formation of collagen.
Food Source
Thiamin: Whole grain products, rice, chickpea, beans, soybean,
sunflower, pork, beef, kidney & Liver.
Riboflavin: Green leafy vegetables, wheat germ ,Organ meat
(kidney), chicken, cheese
Niacin: Peanuts, sunflower seed, pork, chicken, Beef liver, veal --- etc.
Biotin: Biotin is in all whole foods and can be synthesized by intestinal
bacteria, good sources are Legumes, Whole Grains and Meats
Pantothenic acid: Corn, Lentils, peanuts, peas, sunflower, whole grain
products eggs, liver meat all kinds
Pyridoxine: Avocado, banana, carrot, Lentil, Rice wheat...etc.
The drug, INH, used to treat tuberculosis (one of the few) destroys
vitamin B6.
Folate: Fresh foods better source, abundant in legumes , Beans, peas,
lentils, rice, Barley wheat, fruits, Green leafy vegetables
Cyanocobalamin: Obtained from food of animal origin (Beef, beef
liver, Eggs, Kidney, Milk, Milk product.

Disease conditions: scurvy, beriberi, pellagra and pernicious anemia,

impaired protein metabolism

- The fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K)

- found in the fats and oils of foods we eat.

- not readily excreted.

- Cause toxicity.

- Deficiencies can show up when the diet chronically lacks foods that

contain these vitamins and when there is problem with the digestion

and absorption of fats.

Vitamin A
-It is a lipid soluble vitamin involved in many biological functions.
-e.g. vision, growth, reproduction, cell differentiation and antioxidant
-Three forms:, retinal, or retinoic acid, retinol collectively, retinoid.

Deficiency: Night blindness: The first sign of vitamin A deficiency.

-Lack of tear secretion, Change in the cornea --- eventual blindness
-Bitot’s spots
- Susceptibility to respiratory infection, Dry and rough skin
- Change in mucus membrane,
Food Sources
Plant : Papaya, Mango, Carrots, Pumkins, Sweet Potato, Water
melon, Green leafy veg...
Animal: Milk products, egg, Liver…
Control and prevention measures

Includes:- Treating the active cases on time &

- The second approach, which is preventative, is even more

important than the curative measures since it is cost effective and
easily applicable.
The global measures adopted to date are:
- Universal supplementation of vitamin A.
- Food fortification
In Ethiopia, most important foods to be fortified are Sugar, Salt, Oil
- Food diversification: encouraged to grow and consume vitamin A
rich foods.
Vitamin D
- Fat soluble vitamin, referred as sunshine vitamin.
- Body can produce it through photosynthesis of pre vitamin D3( 7-
dehydrocholestrol) in human skin.

Functions: major target tissue for 1,25(0H)2 D are intestine and bone
- Regulate growth, hardening and repair of bone.
- Prevent rickets
- Treat hypocalcaemia (low blood calcium level)
- Promote absorption of calcium from the kidney, removal of
calcium from bone to maintain blood calcium level.

Food source: butter, cod-liver oil, sardine, vitamin D fortified foods.

Control and preventions
• Vitamin D supplements
• Exposure to sunlight
• Fortification
• Nutrition education
Vitamin E (tocopherol)
-Body's primary antioxidant.
-helps delay or prevents the onset of cancer, coronary heart disease
cataract and other major diseases by its antioxidant action.
-Protecting the polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes from
oxidation, Protects lung tissues from free radicals inhaled, Protect
LDLs from oxidation.
Accomplish this task by donating election to electron seeking
compound (free radicals).
Vitamin E is easily oxidized
Food Sources
Vitamin E is plentiful in vegetable oils. Many have
10 mg/tablespoon.
- Nuts are also good sources of vitamin E.
- Small amounts of vitamin E are in many vegetables.
Vitamin K

- Vitamin K is a critical blood clotting factor needed to convert pre-

thrombin to prothrombin.

- Important for synthesis of 7 blood clotting factors in the liver from

precursor protein
Deficiency Problem
-Blood will not clot in the absence of vitamin K.
-Hemorrhagic disorder of the new born characterized by bleeding
from umbilicus, circumcision site.
- Abnormal blood clotting leading to nose bleeds, blood in urine,
stomach bleeding ,bleeding from capillaries ----- etc.
-Prolonged clotting time

Food Source
Green leafy vegetables, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Soybeans, Cheese,
Oats, Green Tea…
-Minerals are inorganic chemical elements, participate in many
biochemical processes and form body structures.

e.g. - Iron, iodine, cobalt – are parts of organic compounds

- Phosphorus in thiamine – facilitate CHO metabolism.

- calcium & Phosphorus form body structures

-Constitute 40% of body weight.

-There are about 20 minerals found in the human body.

-Some are so abundant in the foods we eat, and the amount needed
so small.
The principal minerals which the body requires
Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Chlorine, Sodium, Potassium,
Iron , Iodine , Sulfur, Fluorine
Classification: Macro and micro minerals
Macro minirals: required >100mg /daily or Found in the body >5gms.
E.g. Ca, P, S, Mg, Na, Cl and K.
Micro minerals:(Trace elements): Required in small amount daily.
E.g. I, Fe, F, Mn, Zn…

General Functions of Minerals

• Fluid Balance: K, Na & Cl are important in maintaining fluid balance.
• Structure: important components of bone and teeth (Ca, P& F)
• Hormone Components: The metabolic regulator hormone thyroxin
contains iodine.
• Metabolism: essential for nerve transmission and muscle function.
• Cofactors: Some minerals, such as copper and zinc, function as
cofactors in metabolic reactions.
Micro minerals (trace minerals)
Micro nutrient essential for formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin.
- Transport (Hemoglobin) & storage of oxygen (Myoglobin).

Food Source: Egg yolk, meat, chicken, fish, lentils, chick pea, pumpkin
seed, wheat germ, grains…etc.
Requirement: 8-10mg for men, 10-18mg for women, 20mg for pregnant
& lactating women.
Deficiency: The most common long-term iron deficiency symptom is
Prevention Strategies
- Supplementation of target populations.
- Dietary diversification/modification.
- Fortification –Potential vehicles: cereals, flour, condiments, infant feed
- One of the micronutrient essential for regulation of physical growth
& neural development
- Required to produce thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) that control cell
metabolism, neural tissue growth.
Food source:
- sea foods, drinking water, milk,....
-plant source depend on presence of iodine in the soil. Iodine is
naturally found in the top soil, Iodized salt.
Deficiency: goiter, mental retardation, cretinism, defect in
development of nervous system.
The main strategies to control and eliminate iodine deficiency are:
- Universal iodization of salt for human. (WHY SALT IS IODIZED)
- Supplementation of iodine capsules to population in highly endemic
- Iodization of other “Vehicles”

-Commonly added to public water supply as a means to prevent tooth


-Prevent dental carries by making the enamel more resistant to acid

and by its local effect on the oral cavity.

-Deficiency and excess:

-Deficiency cause dental caries

- Excess prolonged intake cause fluorosis, if intake is >4mg/day.

- Fluorosis: state of toxicity of the trace element.

Food source: Apple, egg, kidney, tea , wine, onion, Some natural water
Macro minerals

-Most abundant mineral in the body, 99% found in hard tissues.

-Give strength & rigidity.

-Mainly in duodenum in acidic medium, decrease in lower part.

-Requires binding protein.

Absorption is promoted by:

-Stomach acid and Vitamin C, maintain calcium in an absorbable form.

- Lactose
- Vitamin D
Factors influencing calcium absorption (Decrease calcium absorption)

- Oxalic acid: found in green leafy vegetables)

-Phytic acid: found in husk of whole grain.

-Uronic acid : found in whole grains, Binds Ca++.

-Increased GI motility: - by decreasing absorption time of nutrients. E.g.

steatorhea, laxative, fibers.
-Dietary fibers: also bind with calcium and decrease calcium

Drugs: like anticonvulsant, thyroxin, and aluminum containing antacids

decrease calcium absorption. (As side effect)

- Bone formation (calcium phosphate & mixture of calcium phosphate

& calcium hydroxide)

- Tooth formation(enamel & dentin contain hydroxyapetite).

- Cofactor in regulating biochemical rxn, e.g. blood clotting.

- Muscle contraction.

Food source: Milk, milk product, finger millet, soybean, spinach....etc.

Deficiency : osteoporosis, osteomalacia, muscle cramp, muscle

contraction, high blood pressure, colon & rectal cancer, tetany.

- Most abundant mineral in the body, mainly found as calcium

phosphate crystals , 90% in bone and teeth.

-Small intestine, after released from phosphorus containing


- Mineralization of bone and teeth in the form of calcium phosphate

(apatite) and combination of calcium phosphate & calcium hydroxide
- Facilitate energy transfer and capture during oxidation of CHO, fat
and protein. Energy stored in phosphorus containing compounds such
as ATP & ADP.
- Component of essential body compounds such as ATP, ADP, DNA,
RNA, cell membrane.

- Regulates acid base balance (buffer), ions like phosphate, hydrogen

phosphate and dehydrogenate phosphate.

Food source:

Milk, milk product, egg, fish, nut, legumes, meat, poultry tea, coffee.
Rare in human beings, bone demineralization can occur with
individuals who have eating disorders.
Extracellular cation necessary for proper PH and water balance.

-In the small intestine , each day 3000-6000mg of sodium taken in to
the body. Varies depending on amount added during cooking.

- Regulate water balance , accounts for much of osmotic pressure
in ECF by counter acting ICF ( K is the major cation in ICF)
- Plays a crucial role in maintaining BP by increasing water
absorption in the kidney.
- Sodium is needed for impulse transmission & and muscle
- Enhance the flavor of many foods.
- Maintain PH of ECF, because ions like sodium bicarbonate remove
hydrogen ion from the solution.

- Essential for absorption of glucose.

Food source: table salt, tomato, beef, green bean, milk, butter,

Deficiency: muscle cramp, nausea, fatigue, appetite loss.....

Potassium (K+)

-Potassium is the principal intracellular (+) ion (cation). Potassium
maintains osmotic balance for the levels of Sodium found in the
extracellular fluid.

- Potassium is essential for nerve transmission.

Potassium has similar roles in maintaining proper muscle function.

Potassium Food Sources
- Fresh fruits, including citrus fruits. Bananas are noted as good
potassium sources.
- Fresh vegetables, and legumes are excellent sources of potassium.
- Milk products and meats are potassium sources for animal foods

Potassium deficiency can occur with dehydration by sweating,

vomiting or diarrhea. Muscle weakness occurs when K+ is chronically
Chlorine (Cl-)
- Chlorine is the primary (-) ion (anion) in the body, used to balance
sodium (+) in extracellular fluids and potassium (+) in intracellular

- Chlorine is important for pH, electrolyte and fluid balance.
- Chlorine is a component of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach.


- Chlorine deficiencies are not heard of under normal health

Reading Assignment: water
- Body water
- Water In Relation To Body Function
- Loss of water
- Abnormal Loss of water
- dehydration

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