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“Understanding Earth and Space
Sciences: Processes and Interconnection”
Your Speaker

Francine C. Ahit of
Grade 11-Gratitude

The formation of the: A concept map of:

0 Universe
3 Earth's
2 System
Solar Subsystem
“When we try to pick out
anything by itself, we find it
hitched to everything else in the

—John Muir
01 Universe
Everything that are present in this

Universe was created around 14 billion years ago,

according to the scientists. For thousands of
years, philosophers, theologians, and scientists
had come with a lot of theory of how does the
universe was really created.
The Two Factual

Religious Scientific
According to Christianity, the The Big Bang is how astronomers
Universe had been created by God explain the way the Universe
during the Creation which is written began. According to the NASA, the
in the book of Genesis on the Bible, Big Bang is the idea that the
and would be destroyed before the universe began as just a single
Final Judgement. point, then expanded and stretched
to grow as large as it is right now.
02 Solar System
Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything
bound to it by gravity — the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, dwarf planets
such as Pluto, dozens of moons and millions of asteroids,
comets and meteoroids.
How did it formed?

● Our solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago from a dense cloud of interstellar gas
and dust. The cloud collapsed, possibly due to the shockwave of a nearby exploding star,
called a Supernova. When this dust cloud collapsed, it formed a spinning, swirling disk of
material, called solar nebula. At the center, gravity pulled more and more material in.
Eventually the pressure in the core was so great that the hydrogen atoms began to combine
and form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy. With that, our Sun was born, and
it eventually amassed more than 99 percent of the available matter. Matter farther out in
the disk was also clumping together. These clumps smashed into one another, forming larger
and larger objects. Some of them grew big enough for their gravity to shape them into
spheres, becoming planets, dwarf planets and large moons.
Concept Map
provides the required heat and
allows the ice to melt and energy for the breakdown and
the water bodies to flow erosion of rock in the
back into the oceans. geosphere

brings back rainwater

reflects the sun’s energy to the ocean
to the atmosphere.
Geosphere Atmosphere

has 4 subsystem

receives sunlight and

gases from the
provides the necessary
moisture required to Hydrosphere Biosphere
weather and erode rocks a living medium from
the geosphere.

forms the medium for

cloud and rain formation collects water from the
in the atmosphere hydrosphere
03 Subsystem
Everything in Earth’s system is placed into one of the four
subsystems: land, water, living things, or air. The subsystems are
known as “spheres.” Specifically, they are known as the geosphere
(land), hydrosphere (water), biosphere (living things) and atmosphere
(air). Environmentalists use this system to classify and study the
organic and inorganic materials found in the Earth

● Geosphere includes all the elements that form the crust

and core of the Earth. Rocks and sand particles ranging
from drylands to those found at the bottom of the ocean
are examples of the geosphere. Examples also involve
minerals, lava, molten magma and mountains. The
geosphere undergoes constant processes that modify
other spheres. One of the examples is the rock cycle.

● The hydrosphere includes all the water parts of the

planet. It includes water on the surface, subsurface
and water vapour in the atmosphere. It undergoes
infinite processes every day. The water cycle is one
way to understand what is the importance of
hydrosphere, its functions and how it supports
other spheres.

Biosphere comprises all the living components of the Earth. It also

includes organic matter that has not yet decayed. The sphere hugely
depends on the other three spheres as follows:

● The hydrosphere replenishes plants and animals with water and

● The geosphere renders a solid surface for the plants and animals
to inhabit. It also provides heat from beneath the earth.
● The atmosphere screens the sun’s UV radiation and helps us
receive just enough of the sun’s heat.

The gaseous component above the surface of the Earth is known as the
atmosphere. It is made of gaseous components and tiny water particles.
The gases in the atmosphere are kept in place by the force of gravity.
The heat from the sun is radiated to the Earth and is reflected in the
atmosphere. The heat from the sun warms up the surface of the earth
and causes evaporation, thereby sending moisture into the atmosphere.

1. Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

The evaporation that occurs in the hydrosphere forms the medium for
cloud and rain formation in the atmosphere. The atmosphere brings back
this water to hydrosphere in the form of rain.

2. Hydrosphere and Geosphere

Hydrosphere provides the necessary moisture required to weather and
erode rocks in the geosphere. The geosphere, in turn, allows the ice to
melt and the water bodies to flow back into the oceans.
3. Atmosphere and Geosphere
The atmosphere provides the required heat and energy for the breakdown
and erosion of rock in the geosphere. Geosphere, in turn, reflects the sun’s
energy to the atmosphere.

4. Biosphere and Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Geosphere

The biosphere receives sunlight and gases from the atmosphere. It collects
water from the hydrosphere and a living medium from the geosphere.

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