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Chapter 6: Continuous

Uniform Distribution

• - sometimes referred to rectangular


• - is a relatively simple continuous distribution

in which the same height, or f(x), is obtained
over a range of values
•As  an example, suppose a production line is set up to manufacture machine braces in lots of five p
shift. When the lots are weighed, variation among the weights is detected, with lot weights ranging
grams in a uniform distribution. The height of this distribution is:
a= 41 (minimum)
b= 47 (maximum)

f(x)=Height =

• The
  mean and standard deviation of this distribution are:

Mean = Standard Deviation =

= =

= =

= 44 = 1.732
Determining Probabilities in a
Uniform Distribution

Remember that the area between a and b is equal to 1. The

probability for any interval that includes a and b is 1. The probability
of x > b or of x < a is zero because there is no area above b or below
• Suppose
  that on the machine braces problem we want to determine the pro
weighs between 42 and 45 grams. This probability is computed as follows:

P(x) =

= .5000
• Discovery of the normal curve of
errors is generally credited to
mathematician and astronomer
Karl Gauss (1777–1855), who
recognized that the errors of
repeated measurement of objects
are often normally distributed.

• sometimes referred to Gaussian

distribution or the normal curve of
Standardized Normal Distributions
• The normal distribution is described or
characterized by two parameters: the mean,
µ, and the standard deviation, ơ.
• Every unique pair of µ and ơ values defines a
different normal distribution.
The normal distribution exhibits the following
• It is a continuous distribution.
• It is a symmetrical distribution about its mean.
• It is asymptotic to the
horizontal axis.
• It is unimodal.
• It is a family of curves.
• Area under the curve is 1.
• The conversion formula for any x value of a
given normal distribution follows.

• A z score is the number of standard deviations

that a value, x, is above or below the mean.
• If the value of x is less than the mean, the z
score is negative
• if the value of x is more than the mean, the z
score is positive
• if the value of x equals the mean, the
associated z score is zero
Z Distribution Table
Problem 1 1

What is the probability that a randomly selected

score is between 600 and the mean?
P(494 ≤ x ≤ 600) = ?
Z Distribution Table
Problem 1 2

What is the probability of obtaining a score greater than 700

that has a mean of 494 and a standard deviation of 100?
P( x > 700) = ?
Z Distribution Table
Problem 1 3

What is the probability of randomly drawing a score

that is 550 or less?
P( x ≤ 550) = ?
Problem 1 4

What is the probability of randomly obtaining a score

between 300 and 600?
P(300 < x < 600) = ?
Problem 1 5

What is the probability of getting a score between

350 and 450?
P(350 < x < 450) = ?

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