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Media is largely a cultural
product, and the transfer of such
a product is likely to have an
influence on the recipient’s
culture. Increasingly, technology
has also been propelling
globalization. Technology allows
for quick communication, fast and
coordinated transport, and
efficient mass marketing, all of
which have allowed globalization—
especially globalized media—to
take hold.

What is Media Culture?
In cultural studies, Media Culture refers to the current Western Capitalist
Society that emerged and developed from the 20th century, under the influence of
mass media.


- a diversified
collection of media
technologies that
reach a large
audience via mass
communication. The
technologies through
which this
communication takes
place include a
variety of outlets.

The influence of media and particularly
electronic media on social change is considered
to be of paramount importance. In sociological
and cultural analyses of globalization, media
such as satellite television, the Internet,
computers, mobile phones etc. are often thought
to be among the primary forces behind current
restructuration of social and cultural
geography. Electronic media facilitate an
increased interconnectedness across vast
distances and a temporal flexibility in social

People who travel the globe teaching and preaching their
beliefs in universities, churches, public forums, classrooms,
or even as guests of a family play a major role in the spread
of culture and ideas. Today, television programs, social media
groups, books, movies, magazines, have made it easier for
advocates to reach larger audiences. Globalization relies on
media as its main conduit for the spread of global culture and


is the idea that one culture can

either influence or dominate
another in much the same way as
nations have invaded and controlled
other nations. ... Modern media are
now the most powerful means of
exerting cultural influence beyond
the borders of a given state.

Media Imperialism?
is a theory based upon an over-
concentration of mass media from larger
nations as a significant variable in
negatively affecting smaller nations, in
which the national identity of smaller
nations is lessened or lost due to media
similarity characteristic in mass media
from the larger countries.

The cultural imperialism
has been contradicted by
the renewed strength of
regional trends in the
globalization process.
Asian culture, for
example has profilerated
worldwide through the
globalization of media.
It is no longer acceptable to insist that
globalization is a unidirectional process of
foreign cultures overwhelming local ones.
Globalization, as noted, will remain an uneven
process and it will produce inequalities.
Nevertheless, it leaves room for dynamism and
cultural change.

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