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A Threefold Duty

Mark 13:32-37

The teaching of Jesus in regards

to His Second Coming is always
to promote conformity of life to
revealed truth.
1. We should pray (v. 33). Pray
at all times and be alert with
perseverance (Eph. 6:18).
2. We should work (v. 34). Each
of us has his own task to
3. We should watch (vv. 33-37).
We are told four times in this
passage to be on the alert.
We are not to work just to fill up time. We
have received a practical exhortation to work
in and for God’s kingdom. If we are to do our
best work, we must recognize that to watch
expectantly encourages readiness without
laziness. Work without prayer is useless and
vigilance without prayer is shortsighted

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