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What is advertising

Advertising is a marketing tactic involving paying for space to promote a product,

service, or cause. The actual promotional messages are called advertisements, or ads
for short
Why do we need advertising
Advertising helps a business to earn profits by enabling more people to know about the products
How do u do the advertisement

1. Conduct Marketing Research

Market research is an essential part of campaign promotion. Feeding into your buyer personas, market research can
answer key questions about your target market, such as

1.How old are they?

2.What do they spend most of their time doing?

2. Choose Your Platform

Your market research should give you the insight and confidence you need to choose the most
effective platform to reach your target audience. You should also do some supplemental research
on the costs, ROI, and benefits of certain ad platforms and methods
Kind/type of advertising
4.kind/type of advertising
-Social Media Ads
-Direct Mail and Personal Sales

Tv programs:

-social media ads
Which type/kind is most
1. Offer loyal costumers an
exclusive preview.
2. Use a special introductory
3. Make use of google my
4.Run a social media contest
5-spread thr word via email

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