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Present simple &

present continuous
Present simple
We use the present simple to talk abut things
in general:
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.

Petar works at Pliva

Mladen likes Marija

We use it to say something happens all
the time or repeatedly

The earth goes around the sun.

I usually go away at weekends.

We use do or does to make negative

I come from Canada.

Where do you come from?

We use present simple when we say
how often we do things:

I get up at 6 o’clock every morning.

Silvija drinks tea twice a day.

In summer, John usually plays tennis

once a week.
Present continuous
We use present continuous for action
that is happening at the time of speaking

She is driving to work (at this moment)

He is washing his hands.

I am going to bed now.

Sometimes the action is not
happening at the time of speaking
I am reading an interesting book at the

Some friends of mine are building their own

home. They hope it will be finished before
next summer.
We use the present continuous when we talk
about things happening in a period around
now (today / this week/ this evening, etc.)

You are working hard today.

I am going out this evening.

I am living with some friends until I find a flat.

You are working hard today.

The present continuous is usually used with
doing verbs (verbs of action) not with verbs
of state. The following verbs are not used in
the continuous form:

• Conditions: belong, cost, need, own, seem

• Feelings: like, love, hate, want, wish
• Beliefs: believe, feel, know, mean,
remember think understand
Present continuous is used for
something that is happening at or
around the time of speaking
Present simple is used for things in
general or things that happen

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