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CHRISTIAN LIVING/ Mr. Matthew Benedict P.


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the
hearts of Your faithful,
and kindle in them the
fire of Your Love.
L: Send forth Your Spirit
and they shall be created.

R: and You shall renew the

face of the earth.
Let us pray:

O, God, Who has taught

the hearts of Your faithful
by the light of the Holy
grant that
by the gift of the same
Spirit, we may always be
truly wise and ever rejoice
in His Consolation,
through Christ, our Lord.
Seat of Wisdom

- pray for us.

LEARN: Define the meaning and purpose of prayer;

LOVE: Write reflections on prayer and compose a

verse expressing personal prayer experiences;

LIVE: Pray with humility and encourage others to be

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Who are the two friends
in the story?
What does Maria usually do
that attracted Janelle’s
Based on Maria’s replies,
why does she pray?
How does prayer become a
part of Maria’s life?
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
John 4:5-26
Why did the Samaritan woman ask
Jesus, “How is it that You a Jew,
ask me, a Samaritan and a woman,
for a drink?” What was the
prevailing culture at that time?
Following the Gospel story, what
have you observed of Jesus’
questions to the Samaritan woman?
How did the Samaritan woman
respond to these questions?
What did Jesus mean when He said,
“Those who drink of this water will be
thirsty again; but those, who drink of the
water that
I shall give, will never be thirsty;
for the water that I shall give
will become in them
a spring of water
“Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and
heart to God or the requesting of good things
from God.” (CCC 2559). With the heart as the
seat of prayer, each person is able to cry out to
the Divine in words or utterances meant to
praise, or to petition needs to the Divine Person
Who possesses the power to grant them.
Prayer and faith in One God is a call for
believers to put into heart these realities –
 coming to know God’s greatness and
 living in thanksgiving,
 knowing the unity and true dignity of all,
 making use of created things and
 trusting God in every circumstance.
(CCC 223-227)
He who humbles himself will be exalted;
humility is the foundation of prayer. Only when
we humbly acknowledge that “we do not know
how to pray as we ought,” are we ready to
receive freely the gift of prayer. “MAN is a
beggar before GOD.” (CCC 2559)
Where does prayer come from? Whether prayer is
expressed in words or gestures, it is the whole man
who prays. But in naming the source of prayer,
Scripture speaks sometime of the soul or the spirit,
but most often of the heart. According to Scripture, it
is the heart that prays. If our heart is far from God, the
words of prayer are in vain. (CCC 2562)
Christian prayer is a covenant relationship
between God and man in Christ. It is the action of
God and man, springing forth from both the Holy
Spirit and ourselves, wholly directed to the
Father, in union with the human will of the Son
of God-made-man. (CCC 2564)
In the New Covenant, prayer is the living
relationship of the children of God with their
Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son
Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace
of the Kingdom is “the union of the entire holy
and royal Trinity… with the whole human spirit.”
Thus, the life of prayer is the habit of being in the
presence of the thrice-holy God and in communion
with him. This communion of life is always possible
because, through Baptism, we have already been
united with Christ. Prayer is Christian insofar as it is
communion with Christ and extends throughout the
Church, which is his Body. Its dimensions are those of
Christ’s love. (CCC 2565)
Glory to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now and will be forever.

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