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Group -1
PGP/24/081 Himabindu
PGP/24/112 Shaaqib Mansuri
PGP/24/145 Gracy Rera
PGP/24/146 Sai Vidhya
PGP/24/147 Ramya
PGP/24/235 Rishabh Tyagi
PGP/24/357 Riya
Face Recognition
It is a biometric software tool
that is capable of matching a
human face from a digital
image or a video frame
against a database of faces

The biometric technologies includes the following

● Finger-scan
● Facial recognition
● Iris scan
● Retina scan
● Hand scan
The facial recognition systems are less accurate
than iris and fingerprint recognition as biometric
technologies, they are commonly used due to their
contactless nature
● Security purposes like video surveillance
● Second authentication factor, to add extra security in any log-in process.
● Access to smart phones without a password
● Access to buildings (offices, events, and other types of facilities...).
● Both in physical and online establishments, this is a way of payment.
● Tourist services check-in (airports, hotels)

Target Segment

Government Offices Crime Branch Offices Examination Providers Homes and Star Hotels
● ID verification at the entry of ● Offering to crime branch Face recognition system is used for ● Provides security for the
government offices offices to detect the frauds verifying the exam takers by homes from burglary
● Upgradation to Face ● security services includes comparing and analyzing the ● Allows the customers and
recognition for services like passport verification, check pictures during registration and staff to the respective rooms.
employee attendance etc in etc in airports exam date.
Classification of Face Recognition
● Face Verification
● Face Identification

Face Verification or Authentication Face Identification

● Face verification is the process of confirming a claimed ● Face identification purpose is to identify a person based on
identification based on a face photograph and either accepting or a face image. This facial image must be compared to all of
rejecting the claim (one-to-one matching) the people who have signed up (one-to-many matching)
● Concerned with validating a claimed identity based on the image of ● Face identification includes the comparison of features of
a face reference image with all the other images in the database
● Purpose of verification is to create a model of a face identity and ● Identification is a more complex task than verification
then compare it to a data sample. ● FRS is provided with a reference image to match against a
● Biometric characteristics are registered in the system, claiming to biometric reference in the gallery.
be in the reference database ● A similarity score is generally obtained by comparing the
● one-to-one matching task since the system does not need to check reference image to the photos in the gallery. The scores are
every record in the database then ranked from highest to lowest similarity
● It involves in either accepting or rejecting the identity claim which is
termed as one to one matching
The implementation of face recognition technology includes the following stages:
Behaviour of changes such as alteration of hairstyle, change in

Image Acquisition
makeup, facial hair, glasses etc impact the ability of the facial scan
Facial-scan technology can acquire faces from almost any static
systems to locate distinctive features.
camera or video system that generates images of sufficient quality and
resolution. High quality images are essential for defined facial
Template Creation


0100010... 01001...

Individual Camera Template Central Template

Low Quality Image High Quality Image generation Database -
on local Biometric matching

Image Processing
Color images are normally converted to black & white for comparison

based on grayscale characteristics. Template Matching
First, presence of a face is detected and localised. Next, the It compares the images against the templates. A series of image is
dimensions of the image are aligned with the template image. acquired and scored against the enrollment so that a user attempting
1:1 verification within a facial-scan system may have 10-20 match
Distinctive Characteristic Location

attempts taken place within 1-2 seconds.
All facial scan systems attempt to match visible facial features in a
fashion similar to the people recognize one another. The features most A facial scan is not as effective as finger or iris scan in identifying a
utilized in facial-scan systems are those that are least likely to change single individual from a large database, hence multiple matches are
significantly over time - upper ridge of eye sockets, areas around generally returned after large scale facial identification searched.
cheekbone, sides of mouth.
• Euclidean

Where n is the number of dimensions (attributes) and pk and qk are,

respectively, the kth attributes (components) or data objects p and
• Standardization is necessary, if scales differ
Point x y

P1 0 2

P2 2 0

P3 3 1

P4 5 1

Point P1 P2 P3 P4

P1 0 5.099 3.162 5.099

P2 2.828 0 3.162 3.162

P3 3.162 1.414 0 2

P4 5.099 3.162 2 0
Principal component Analysis

● Principal component analysis is a statistical method

used for minimizing the number of variables in a face
recognition system

● Every image in the training set is represented by

eigenfaces, which are a linear combination of weighted
eigenvectors. The covariance matrix of a training image
set yields these eigenvectors.

● After choosing a collection of the most relevant

Eigenfaces, the weights are calculated.

● Recognition is accomplished by projecting a test picture

onto the subspace spanned by the eigenfaces, and
classification is accomplished by calculating the shortest
Euclidean distance.
Face recognizer schematic diagram
Flow Chart
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