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Daily activities
I usually wake up around 6:00 a.m. and I
immediately begin my routine of accumulating
habits, which includes the following tasks:
My name is Stwar, my profession is Heavy
Machinery Operation Technician. Make my bed
Taking a shower
brush me and thank me for a new day

Around 6:15 a.m., I prepare my breakfast, while

listening to a variety of music.
6:30 am, I shower and brush my teeth. Then I get
dressed. I make breakfast and eat my breakfast.
What’s his occupation?
I go to work at 7:00 a.m. M., I
usually arrive at work at 7:20 a.m., I
usually ride my motorcycle to work.
This is Stwar.
He is a very nice person. works in a
company of heavy machinery

stwar starts work at eigh in the morning.

These are the activities you usually do at work:
work activities

-Carry out checks prior to the handling of the equipment and guarantee that the correspon
ding maintenance is carried out (cleaning, lubrication, fuel filling, etc.)
Install equipment or components of machinery or attached structures.

-Drive heavy machinery and operate its systems for loading, moving, excavating, spreading,
leveling various materials and for erecting or demolishing structures.
Add some text to the title slide

Normally, I either have lunch at a restaurant or bring my lunch. Often as a sandwich. Sometimes I have a choc
olate bar too! I come home to rest a bit and then do some housework.

I usually have dinner at eight thirty. After that, I watch TV.

I brush my teeth and always go to sleep at 10:30 p.m. M.

Stwar works very hard during the day and goes home.

The occupation of stwar is the operation of heavy machinery.


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