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Created by :
Wais Al Qorni 206114002
Dea Deffiar 206114006
Muftia Zakia Mawaddah 206114007




 Materialism is a school that considers that there is nothing in this world other
than matter or nature (nature) and the physical world is the first century AD
and this understanding did not receive a serious response and in the Middle
Ages, people still considered it foreign to this concept, only in the first
century AD. During the Aufklarung (enlightenment) era, materialism
received an important response and adherents in Western Europe, in the mid-
19th century, this sect flourished in the west because, with this
understanding, people felt that they had high hopes for the results. natural
 Philosophy of Idealism is a philosophical system that emphasizes the
importance of the superiority of the mind, spirit, or soul.The general view
shared by philosophers of idealism:
 1. The human soul is the most important element in life
 2. The essence of the end of the universe is basically non-material.So in general
idealism is a view that considers the most important things are ideas because
the real reality is those ideas. The main point proposed by idealism is the soul
(the foremost position in the universe).
 Realism is a school of philosophy that views the material world
outside of consciousness as something real and important for us to
recognize by using intelligence. sense objects are real, that is, things
that exist. This object has something to do with our
thoughts.According to Realism, the essence of truth is in reality in this
realm, not in an idea / soul.Realism school questioned the object of
human knowledge. That the object of human knowledge lies outside
of man.
 For example: How does a chair exist because someone made it, as
well as nature, which means someone made it.
 Rationalism is a philosophical understanding which states that
reason is the most important tool in seeking, obtaining, and
testing knowledge. To be sought with reason is to be sought by
logical thinking. Measured with sense means being tested
whether the findings are logical or not. If logical, true; if not,
wrong ;. This also means that truth comes from reason. The
source of knowledge lies in reason.
 Empiricism is one of the schools in philosophy which states that all
knowledge comes from human experience. Empiricism rejects the
notion that humans have carried the nature of knowledge in
themselves when they are born. For empiricists, an adequate source
of knowledge is experience. Experience here is an experience that is
born regarding the world and an inner experience that concerns the
human person. Human intellect only functions and has a duty to
organize and process materials or data obtained through experience.

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