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1. Andri Dwi Wijayanto
2. Emilia nur fitri
3. Chaniffan Ilya Rangga S
The company is a place where production activities take place and all
factors of production gather. Every company is registered with the
government and some are not. For companies registered with the
government, they have a business entity for the company. This business
entity is an officially registered company status with the government.
The Dutch government, when reading the
memorie van toelichting about the
proposed "Wetboek van Koophandel"
law before the DPR, explained that what
is meant by a company is all actions,
which are carried out continuously,
openly, in a certain position and to
generate profits (for themselves). alone).
Article 1 letter book of Law Number 3 of 1982
concerning Compulsory Company
✘ company is any form of permanent and continuous
business established, working, and domiciled in the
territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia with the aim of obtaining profits and/or
Definition of
according to
the meaning of the company according to
the experts
M. Polak, states that there are only C.S.T. Kansil, stated that a company is
companies, if necessary, predictable any form of business entity that runs a
profit and loss calculations and type of business that is permanent and
everything that is recorded in the continuous, and is established, works,
books. Polak views the company and is domiciled within the territory of
from a commercial point of view the Indonesian state with the aim of
making a profit.
Company Elements.
 business entity. Every company has a
certain form, both legal and non-legal
 economic activity. Each company will
conduct business activities in the
economic field, which includes the fields
of industry, trade, services, and financing.
Company Elements.
 ongoing. The business activities of a
company will take place continuously and
continuously, not as incidental activities.

 permanent. The business activities carried

out by a company tend to be fixed, and do
not change in a short period of time.
Company Elements.
 known to the public. A business that is run
by a company and is intended for the
public, is recognized and justified by the
laws in force in Indonesia.

 gain or profit. The purpose of a company

is to profit or profit from each activity
Company Elements.
 bookkeeping. Each company will make
records related to the rights and
obligations related to the business
activities owned.
Types of Companies
Based on the Field
of Business
1. trading company, is a company whose main activity is
buying finished goods and reselling them without further
2. Manufacturing company is a company whose activities are
processing raw materials into finished goods and then
selling the products.
3. A service company is a company whose activities are
selling services.
Berdasarkan Kepemilikan
a.State Owned Company.
State-owned companies are companies whose entire capital is owned by the state. During the
New Order era, in order to regulate and simplify the form of state enterprises, the government at
that time issued Law Number 9 of 1969, concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation
Number: 1 of 1969 concerning Forms of State Enterprises into Law. According to this law, state
enterprises are divided into three forms, namely:
 Service Company (Perjan), is a state company established and regulated according to the
provisions of the IBW (S.1927 - 419).
 Public Company (Perum), is a state company established and regulated based on the
provisions of Law Number: 19 prp 1960 (LN 1960 - 59).
 Limited Liability Company (Persero), is a state company in the form of P.T which is
established and regulated based on the provisions of Article 36 of the Commercial Code to
56 and Government Regulation Number: 12 of 1969 (LN 1969 - 21), concerning Limited
Liability Companies (Persero). This company is wholly or partly owned by the Government.
b. Private Owned Company.
A privately-owned company is a company whose entire capital is
owned by the private sector and there is no government intervention.
Private companies can be divided into three types, namely:
 National private companies, namely private companies owned by
Indonesian citizens.
 Foreign private companies, namely private companies owned by
foreign nationals.
 Joint venture companies, namely private companies owned by
Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals.

c. Cooperative.
A cooperative is a company that is funded and founded by its
members. There are several types of cooperatives, including:
All-in-one cooperative.
saving and loan cooperative
1. Sole Proprietorship.
2. Limited Partnership (CV).
3. Firm Fellowship.
4. Limited Liability Company (PT).
5. State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).
6. Cooperative.
7. Foundation.
Fungsi Perusahaan.

 economic function. A company has the main function of monitoring,

analyzing, and investigating matters relating to the company's own
 accounting function. This function is useful for maintaining
company assets, ensuring company procedures are carried out
properly, maintaining the reliability of accounting information, and
encouraging work efficiency within the company.
 production function. The point is to create to add to the function of
an item or service.
 marketing function. It is the activity of a company to meet needs
through a mutually beneficial exchange process between producers
and consumers.
 personal function. Assign responsibilities to each company
personnel in accordance with their field of expertise.
2. profession
Things Needed in
definition Job Benefits.
the Job
description both in general and In entering the world of work or The work that a person does and
according to experts work, there are several things that does has several benefits, both
are needed in the company economic, social and health
Job definition
In general, what is meant by work are actions that are carried out uninterruptedly, openly, in a certain position.

According to Steers and Porter, work is an important thing in the life of every individual for several reasons,

• the existence of reciprocity in work or rewards, which are generally in the form of money or satisfaction
in providing services.
• work usually provides a social function, such as meeting and getting to know new people and also
developing networks.
• The work that a person does will give him social status in society.
• Psychologically, work can be a source of identity, self-esteem, and self-actualization.
Things Needed in
 Skills are skills possessed by a person which are generally obtained through
education and training.
 Knowledge, is the basic foundation that must be possessed in work,
because with knowledge one can build skills at work and solve all the
problems faced.
 can be invited to work together, is the ability needed to do the job. Many
jobs cannot be completed alone, but must be done in collaboration with
other people.
 Honesty is a trait needed in the job. If someone has an honest
nature then that person will get more respect in doing his job.
 A good attitude, like being honest, a person's good attitude at
work will make that person always appreciated by others so as to
provide smoothness in doing his work.
 unyielding and fighting power, is an attitude that must be owned
by every worker, because this attitude is very important in
achieving work success.
Job Benefits

1) earn income.
2) have many friends.
3) sharpen brain skills.
Perbedaan Antara Perusahaan dan Pekerjaan.
Pada pengertian perusahaan unsur laba merupakan unsur mutlak, sedangkan pada pengertian
pekerjaan unsur laba tidak merupakan unsur mutlak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pengertian pekerjaan
lebih luas daripada pengertian perusahaan karena unsur laba dalam pekerjaan tidak menjadi mutlak
Perbedaan Antara Perbuatan Perniagaan dan Perbuatan Perusahaan. Terdapat perbedaan mendasar
antara perbuatan perniagaan dan perbuatan perusahaan. Perbedaan dimaksud adalah :

• Perbuatan perniagaan :
perbuatan membeli barang untuk dijual lagi dan beberapa perbuatan lainnya yang dimasukkan dalam
golongan perbuatan perniagaan.

• Perbuatan perusahaan :
perbuatan-perbuatan yang direncanakan lebih dahulu tentang laba ruginya dan segala sesuatunya
dicatat dalam buku.

• Perbuatan perusahaan mempunyai ruang lingkup yang lebih luas dibandingkan dengan perbuatan
perniagaan, sebab ada beberapa perbuatan yang termasuk dalam pengertian perusahaan tetapi
tidak termasuk dalam pengertian perbuatan perniagaan.
✘ menurut Bambang Utoyo , Perdagangan merupakan proses tukar
menukar barang dan jasa dari suatu wilayah dengan wilayah lainya.
Kegiatan sosial ini muncul karena adanya perbedaan kebutuhan dan
sumber daya yang dimiliki.
✘ Menurut Bambang Prishardoyo & Shodiqin perdagangan ialah salah
satu jenis kegiatan perusahaan dikarenakan menggunakan sumber
daya/faktor-faktor produksi dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan atau
menyediakan pelayanan umum
Berdasarkan undang undang no 7 tahun 2014 tentang Perdagangan dalam negeri
adalah suatu proses kegiatan jual beli Barang atau Jasa yang sistem
perdagangannya hanya mencangkup wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
dan tidak termasuk ke Perdagangan Luar Negeri. Selain itu perdagangan dalam
negeri juga sering di artikan sebagai suatu kegiatan perdagangan yang hanya
dilakukan disekitar wilayah Indonesia saja, seperti dari satu daerah ke daerah yang
Menurut Huala
Adolf ”perdagangan Internasional menłpakan suatu kegiatan proses
perdagangan barang — barang dari kesepakatan masing-masing negara secara
bersama. Tujuan perdagangan internasional ialah untuk mendapatkan manfaat
perdagangan yang akan menambah pendapatan dari suatu negara. Perdagangan
Internasional akan melakukan transaksi jual beli dengan negara lain”

Perdagangan internasional adalah perdagangan yang dilakukan oleh

penduduk suatu Negara dengan penduduk Negara lain atas dasar kesepakatan
bersama. Penduduk yang dimaksud dapat berupa antar perorangan (individu
dengan individu), antara individu dengan pemerintah suatu Negara atau
pemerintah suatu Negara dengan pemerintah Negara lain
THANKS for your
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