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Disusun Oleh :
1. Dinda Fitria (A210170092)
2. Linda Karlina (A210170100)
3. Eva WahyuFatmawati (A210170104)




Halaman Sampul .. ..................................................................................................................i

Daftar Isi ..................................................................................................................................ii


A. Background .. .................1
B. Formulation Of the Problem .. .....................................................................................2
C. Research Purpose .. .....................................................................................................2


A. Understanding Company .. ..........................................................................................3

B. Position and Location of the Company .. ..................................................................3-4
C. The Form of the Company was Own .. .....................................................................4-5
D. Good Criteria of the Company .. .................................................................................5-
E. Employee Side .. ..........................................................................................................
F. How to Develop Business in a Company .. .................................................................
G. Influence of HR on the Company .. .............................................................................


A. Conclusion .. ................................................................................................................

References .. ..........................................................................................................................




A. Background

Thecompany is the place of production activities carried out and the gathering of all
factors of production occurs. A company that is officially registered in the government will
have a business entity for the company. The existence of this business entity is officially
registered by the government. In addition, the company has the meaning of a business entity
that carries out economic activities to produce goods and services and has a special building
to be used as its location. In building a company, of course it is very important to first
understand the understanding, types and functions. That way it will be easier to be able to
develop as much as possible the company to finally get a profit that continues to increase
every time. Certainly can not be careless in developing this company because there are
various things that must be prepared and cared for properly.

The industrial world today is very advanced and fierce in competition so that all
parties involved, including companies, must compete strictly to maintain their business. This
can be seen from the product quality, product prices, product innovations, and management
systems that have been set. A difficult and very influential problem faced by a company in its
business is product pricing which is an important factor that must be considered. This causes
a company to sometimes make the lowest possible price to maintain its existence from other
competitors. Sometimes it backfires for the company itself. This is because selling things are
too low but the price of production is so large. It results in loss and fails to reach the break
event point or return on investment.

Besides that, a good company must pay attention to the soft skills of employees in
accordance with their respective fields, transparent financial flow, clear work procedures,
have a vision and mission and maintenance

Based on the background above, then we will explain how a good company and going
forward in accordance with what has been planned.

B. Formulation of the Problem

1. What is the understanding of the company?

2. Where is the position and location of the Company?
3. What are the forms of the Company?
4. What are the criteria for a good company?
5. How to develop a business in the company?
6. Can the development of human resources affect the development of the company's

C. Research Purposes

1. To find out the meaning of the company.

2. To find out the position and location of the Company.
3. To find out the forms of the Company.
4. To find out good company criteria.
5. To find out how to develop a business in the Company.
6. To determine the effect of HR on the company.



A company is an organization established by a person or group of people to

carry out production and distribution activities to meet human needs. Production
and distribution activities are generally carried out to obtain profits or profits.
However, there are also production activities whose purpose is to make a profit,
such as social foundations, religious interests, etc.

The results of production activities are goods and services, these goods or
services will be sold to recover the costs incurred. If the results of the sale of
goods or services are greater than the costs incurred then the company will get a
profit and vice versa if the results of the sales amount is smaller than the costs
incurred then the company suffers a loss. Thus in producing goods the company
combines several factors of production to find a goal that is profit.

So, a company is a technical entity that aims to produce goods or services. The
company is also the place where the production process takes place to produce
goods and services. The company is a tool of business entities to achieve goals or
seek profits. People who do business with companies are called entrepreneurs,
entrepreneurs are engaged in diverse business fields.


Place is one of the important supporting factors that can guarantee the
achievement of company goals. The accuracy of the choice of place of the
company will provide invaluable assistance, both in relation to the facilities
provided and in relation to the efficiency of production costs. Thus, the location
and position of the company must be decided carefully with a complete factual
basis, in terms of economic and technical aspects. In addition to considering the
needs at the time of establishment, the selection of the location and location of the
company must also consider its flexibility to the possibility of future plans in

terms of plant expansion, production diversification, marketing areas of
production, changes and expansion of raw materials, and so on.

The company's domicile is the company's headquarters. The place of domicile

of a company is generally influenced by the smooth relationship with other
institutions, such as government agencies, financial institutions, customers and so

The location of the company is where the company carries out physical /
factory activities. The location of the company is often also called the place of
residence of the company, which is a place where the company conducts its daily
activities. While the term of place of domicile of the company can be interpreted
as the place of the company's headquarters.


1. Individual Companies

Is one form of company that is widely available in Indonesia. Example:

home industry. An individual company is an individual owned company,
where the capital owner becomes the leader of the company, manages the
company, profit and loss, back and forth of the company depending on the
ability of the owner in running his business. Individual company forms are
chosen for small businesses and there is no need for special licenses.
2. Firm Fellowship (Fa)
Is a partnership to run a business between 2 or more people (a
maximum of 10 people with a common name. The responsibility of each
member of the Firm is not limited to personal property while profits and losses
are divided based on the amount of their respective capital. Mistakes made by
one member in conducting business transactions borne by all members of the
3. Joint Fellowship (CV)
Is a partnership between 2 or more people (maximum 5 people) to run
a business where some allies have limited liability and other allies have
unlimited liability.

So in the CV there are 2 kinds of allies, namely:
a. Allied / Limited Partnership
The allies in charge are limited because they only include capital and are not
active in company management
b. Allied / Complementary Persero
The allies are responsible for unlimited (overall) because they also take part in
capital and are also active in managing the company.
4. Limited Liability Company
Is a form of company consisting of shareholders who have limited
liability only for the amount of capital that is distilled / planted if the company
suffers a loss. PT that has gone bankrupt can be sold by name.
5. Cooperative
Is a business entity consisting of people who carry out a business based
on the principles of the people's economic movement based on the principle of
6. Foundation
Is a business entity engaged in social and business.
      Establishment of foundation:
a. Through a notarial deed
b. Separation between foundation wealth and personal wealth
c. The purpose, form, composition of management and method of replacement
of members of the board are made in the deed of establishment.
d. BUMN (State-Owned Enterprise)
Are companies owned by the Government or the State.
For example: PLN, KAI, Pertamina, Semen Gresik


I am of the opinion that a good and healthy company is a company that has the
following criteria:
1. The Company Side
From the company side, a company is considered healthy and qualified if it
meets the following criteria:

1. Competent Human Resources
In a company certainly has employees who have been positioned in their
respective fields. A good company needs to have competent and qualified
employees, so that in the recruitment phase employees need clear, targeted,
and efficient procedures. This means, prospective employees are not only
fresh graduates with high GPA but do not have the skills in accordance with
their field of work. Things that need to be assessed from a competent
employee candidate are:

1). Having skills in certain fields (Computer, Administration,

Accounting, etc.)
2). Having good communication skills. This applies to all prospective
employees, not only prospective employees who work at the front end,
but employees at the back end also require good communication skills.
3). Responsible and time management. Many employees are smart,
able to do various jobs but lack a sense of responsibility and lazy.
4). Having a good work ethic
5). Able to establish a good relationship. This is useful in working
2. Transparent financial flows (Cash Flow)
The most sensitive thing is something related to money. A company should
have transparent cash flow management, so that the use of funds for the
benefit of the company can be utilized as optimal as possible.
3. Clear Work Procedures
Sometimes some small companies and startups don't have clear work
procedures. Like, an employee works in a particular section but handles other
jobs outside of work and does not get extra payment for more work. This
might not have much impact if the work given is classified as light, but if the
work given exceeds the limit can cause employees to become stressed.
A good company should have properly mapped the divisions needed so that
the company can still minimize funds for employee salaries but regulations
within the company can still run optimally.

4. Have a Vision and Mission
A startup company cannot just form a company, recruit employees, then go
with the flow. A company must have a clear vision and mission. Focus in what
areas of the company, the target that needs to be achieved every month,
service to customers, company maintenance and so on.
5. Maintenance
The hardest thing about a company that has been running is how to maintain it
along with the emergence of new companies with fresh ideas. Companies must
be able to survive, not to collapse and "out of business". Maintenance is
needed to maintain a good system from the company, check deficiencies that
need to be updated, study the market conditions, and evaluate and improve the
quality of employee work.


Apart from the company side, things that need attention are from the employee
side. The point is a good company is a company that is able to build a successful
company with a prosperous employee.
The qualifications from the employee side are:
1. Training, Evaluation, and Improvement of employee quality.
During the recruitment phase, it is better for new employees to be trailed first
about the area of work they are handling. So employees can recognize their
respective job desks and prepare themselves before starting their work. Then, after
the employee starts working, an evaluation of his work needs to be done, this is
necessary to maintain the stability of company regulations. After that, competent
employees can be given facilities such as S2 and S3 education, Workshops and
Seminars, Special Ability Education (Management, Finance, Computers, etc.) to
improve employee quality and credibility.

2. Reward , The company can survive, if all the components in the company can
work well together. The company needs to maintain a good relationship with its
employees so that employees have high morale in advancing the company. One of
the things that can be done is giving rewards to employees who excel or work

best. These rewards can be in the form of salary increases, bonuses, promotions,
to additional facilities (houses, cars, and benefits).

3. Insurance and Pension Funds

Companies need to pay attention to the welfare of its employees by providing life
insurance for each employee. This is in accordance with the Minister of
Manpower and Transmigration regulations regarding labor insurance. In addition,
the provision of severance pay and pension funds for employees who have long
served the company.
4. Leave Policy
Some companies have applied overtime to their employees. This is considered not
good for the quality of employee work. So companies need to set appropriate
leave policies for their employees. This leave policy needs to be carefully
regulated, lest there are employees who are negligent and feel overly pampered
with the existing system. The company also needs to enforce the same rules and
policies for all components in the company.


Steps you can take to grow your business:

1. Good organization
A well-planned organization can help you in completing various tasks, so you
can monitor the tasks or stages that have been completed. One of the many
ways to do this is by making a work list or work schedule. This way you can
evaluate and ensure that no tasks are missed.
2. Think creatively
Creativity is needed in running a business in order to win market competition.
Think creatively with willing to accommodate new ideas, continue to add
insight you can use to grow your business.
3. Take note of things through
A business should have a record of all the processes that exist in its business.
This comprehensive data will really help you to observe the development of
the business, find out the deficiencies in a process, or take new strategic steps.

4. Analyzing business competitors
Competition or competition cannot be separated from a business process. But
with this competition, it will encourage entrepreneurs to innovate and create
new things. Don't be afraid to learn from your competitors. It could be that
competitors have strategies or steps that can inspire you.
5. Be consistent
When you consistently do what has been established in the company, even if it
is simple, then that consistency will lead you to success in the future. Be
consistent in good behavior will form positive habits as well. In addition you
can also inspire others to do the same thing.
6. Understand the risks
Making the right calculation of risk allows you to minimize the things that do
not want to happen. By understanding the risks that might occur, it will make
you better prepared to deal with it, of course you also already have a variety of
strategies that are ready to be applied.
7. Focus
When you build a business, you don't necessarily get a large income. There are
many things you must do so that your business continues to grow. Staying
focused on your goals will enable you to manage your business well.
8. Good service
There is another important thing that is important to note is service to
customers. This section not only accepts customer complaints and provides
solutions, but they must also be able to educate consumers well. Good service
will make your customers continue to use your product again.
The success of a business cannot be obtained instantly. Hard work and mental
tough are needed to make it happen. Hopefully this article is useful. The
Result of the Digest of My Thoughts and Practices for 20 Years. From
Indifferent to Until GREAT.


HR development is an effort made to form quality personnel by having skills,

work abilities, and work loyalty to a company or organization. Quality human
resources will help the company to further develop and achieve company goals.

Here are some things that can be obtained if you do HR development in business.
Here are some of the effects of HR for companies as seen from:
1. Work productivity
With the development of human resources, employee work productivity will
increase, the quality and quantity of production will be better, because
technical skills (human skills), human skills (employee skills), and managerial
skills (managerial skills) employees will get better.
2. Efficiency
HR development can also improve energy efficiency, time, raw materials, and
reduce the wear of machines. That way waste will be reduced, so that
production costs are relatively small and the company's competitiveness is
getting bigger.
3. Damage
With the development of human resources, employees will become more
skilled and skilled in carrying out their work. With so damage to goods,
production, and machinery will be reduced.
4. Work Accidents
Developing human resources can also reduce employee accident rates, so that
the amount of medical expenses incurred by the company is reduced.
5. Service
HR development is also important to improve better services from employees
to consumers or company partners, because the provision of good service is a
very important attraction for the partners of the company concerned.
6. Better Morals
With the development of the right human resources, employee morale will be
better because their expertise and skills are in accordance with their work so
they are enthusiastic about completing their jobs well.
7. Leadership
With development, a manager's leadership will be better, his communication
more flexible, his motivation directed so that the fostering of vertical and
horizontal cooperation becomes more harmonious.



From the results of discussions about the company and the criteria of a good
company or business, we conclude that a good company must pay attention to
competent Human Resources by looking at its skills, the company's financial flow
or cash flow, work procedures within the company must also be prepared in
accordance with work standards good, besides that the company must also have a
clear vision and mission to achieve the goals set etc.
Besides that in a good company must also pay attention to guarantees or work
insurance for employees in the framework of employee welfare guarantee.



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