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By: Kiani Freeman, Omar Ward, Logan Wiland, Emily Hoza, and
Makenzie Griffin
What is pregnancy?
● This is a term used to describe in which a fetus is being developed inside a female's womb
or uterus.
● Pregnancy usually only last about 40 weeks or just over 9 months
● Pregnancy occurs when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg after it released from the ovary during
Main Signs and Symptoms
● Missed period is one obvious sign of pregnancy, however this sign could be misleading if
you have a irregular menstrual cycle.
● Another sign or symptom is having tender, swollen breast.
○ Early in the pregnancy due to hormonal changes, the females breast might seem to be
sensitive and sore.
● Nausea
● Increased urination
● Fatigue
Benefits of Working Out While Pregnant
Studies have shown that contrary to popular belief, working out during pregnancy has several

Some of these benefits are reduced backaches, constipation, bloating, and swelling.

Working out while pregnant also helps to boost your mood and energy levels.

There has also been a link between pregnant woman working out and their ability to achieve a
good night sleep.

Improved posture, along with increased muscle tone, strength and endurance.

Regular activity through pregnancy can make labor go smoother and recovery after birth faster.
What type of exercises are best?
● Swimming and water aerobics
● Walking
● Running
● Ellipticals and stair climbers
● Group dance or aerobics classes
● Indoor cycling
● Kickboxing
● High-intensity interval training workouts (HIIT)
● Weight lifting
● Yoga
Warm Up and Cool down
Warming up

- your heart and circulation aren’t raised to quickly

- reduces the chance of injury.

Cool down

- Since stopping abruptly traps blood in the muscles and reduces blood supply to other parts of your
body it is important to cool down
- finish with a few minutes of walking or a few minutes of relaxation before taking on the rest of the
What type of exercises should be avoided and why?
● If you have a medical problem, asthma, heart disease or uncontrolled Type 1 diabetes, exercise could be seen as non advisable
● Could be harmful if you have an obstetric condition including;
● Bleeding or spotting and a weak cervix
● Take Precaution with aerobic exercises during pregnancy if you have:
● Severe anemia
● Poorly controlled Type `1 Diabetes
● Orthopedic limitations
● Heavy smoker
● A history of preterm labor
● An incompetent cervix
● Heart disease and high blood pressure
● Avoid exercises that involve lying flat on your back that could compress major blood vessels and restrict circulation to your baby
● Avoid hot yoga exercise in super hot weather anything that raises your body temp more than 1.5 degrees F since it causes blood to be
shunted away from your uterus and to your skin as you body attempts to cool off.
● Excessive or bouncy stretching. Since your ligaments are already looser, pregnancy isn’t the time to force a split or progress your yoga
practice. If something hurts, stop.
How would you recommend heart rate

● Some experts suggested a heart rate of no more than 140 beats per minute for pregnancy exercise
years ago
○ However, nowadays, during pregnancy, heart rate limits are not usually enforced
● The Department of Health and Human Services recommends moderate-intensity physical exercise
for healthy women for at least 150 minutes a week, ideally spaced over the week, without any
strict heart rate limits
● Appropriately pace yourself. In general, while you're exercising, you should be able to continue a
conversation. You're probably pushing yourself too hard if you can't speak normally while you're
working out.,t
Class Question
Name two or more exercises that pregnant women can perform while
being pregnant?

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