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Muhammad Beril
Muthia Nufus
Ndari Atun
Nurul Radih Ertina
Pipin Muspiroh
Predik Jaja Hidayat
Putri Ihda paniesa
Rakhmad Rafiendi

 Once you have completed the module, you’ll be able to:

 Read aloud the reading text

 Identify the answer of reading comprehension questions, and

 Find the specific terms and write the sample sentences.


 Sandra Dawkins is four years old. Her GP phones a hospital to prepare for an
admission and her parents accompany her in an ambulance. Her parent should bring
her to hospital immediately.
 Sandra has been weepy for the past two days and sometimes crying inconsolably.
Nothing has been making her comfortable to stop her from crying.
 She has been running a temperature of around 104OF (40Oc). She has a nasty-looking
rash on her forehead and behind the ears. She has a lot of mucus in her nose and
throat and has difficulty breathing and sometimes has a dry cough.
 She has been developing those symptoms for two days. Her parents report no
diarrhea though she vomited once an hour before seeing the doctor.
 A diagnosis is required and in the meantime the doctor recommends that she should
be given as much as fluid as possible to drink in order to avoid dehydration as a result
of her fever (though no drinks containing caffeine).
 Also that she should be dresses lightly, with light bedclothes and that she be given
a lukewarm sponge bath.
 On the day she is in hospital, her parents found that she has been developing tiny
white spots, like grains of salt, appear inside the mouth. Her parents report this to
the nurses in charge. The nurse, then, tell the pediatrician.
 On the fourth and fifth days, her temperature rises again and the characteristic
measles skin rash appears. The diagnosis suggests that she has been suffering
from measles. The spots have been spreading to the rest of the head and the body
for the time she is in hospital. She has been complaining about headaches.
The doctor tells her parent that this is a contagious disease. But most children
who contract measles, the disease within 10 days and the only after-effect is
lifelong immunity to another attack. The medical workers at the hospital have
been giving the best treatment to cure her. It is noted that she has been
regaining her stable condition.
Direction. Decide whether the statement is true or false based on the text above

1. The symptoms got worse in two days, so that Sandra should be brought to hospital.
 True
 False

2. sandra also got diarrhea.

 True
 false
3. Sandra was allowed to drink warm tea.
 True
 False

3. The diagnosis came out after five days of symptoms emergence.

 True
 False

4. Measles are communicable disease.

 True
 False
Direction. Find ten specific terms on the text above. Write the definition and the sample

1. measles : viral infection are serious for young children, but easy with vaccine. the
disease is spread through the air by respiratory droplets produced by coughing or
Sentence: The diagnosis suggests that she has been suffering from measles.
2. rush : an are of irritated or swollen skin
Sentence: She has a nasty-looking rash on her forehead and behind the ears
3. general practitioner: a medical doctor who is trained to provide primary healthcare
to patiens of either sex and any age
Sentence: who is your general practitioner who referred you to be hospitalized
4. diarrhea : watery bowel movements are more frequent than usual
Sentence: Her parents report no diarrhea though she vomited once an hour before
seeing the doctor
5. diagnosis: diagnosis is the determination of a person’s current health condition as
a basis for making medical decisions for prognosis and treatment
Sentence: A diagnosis is required and in the meantime the doctor recommends that
she should be given as much as fluid as possible to drink in order to avoid
dehydration as a result of her fever
6. mucus : mucus formed due to inflamation
Sentence: I think you have a flu because the mucus running from your nose
7. fever : increased body temperature
Sentence: you look sick you have a fever?
8. pedriatrician : doctor who specializes in pedriatrics
Sentence: she has been finishing her pedriatrician study
9. headaches: pain in the head, raining from western to mild pain, wich may be
occumpanied by other symphtoms such as lack of rest
Sentence: yesterday I has headache
10.difficult breathing: wich is here a person feels short of breath
Sentence: he has difficulty breathing, because his asthma is relaps

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