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Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)

• Why was Martial Law imposed in 1958? (7)

• Indus Water Treaty (1960) (4)
• U2 incident (1960) (4)
• Basic Democracies (1960) (4)
• Constitution of 1962 (4)
• RCD (1964) (4)
• Indo-Pak War (1965) (7)
• Tashkent Agreement (1966) (4)
• New Capital Islamabad (7)
• Reforms of Ayub Khan (14)
• Fall of Ayub Khan & His resignation in 1969 (7)
• Analysis of the ministry (14)
• Imposition of 2nd Martial Law in the country in 1969

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
Why was Martial Law imposed in 1958?
Political Reasons:
Another reason for imposition of martial law in 1958 was political aspect.
There was severe political crisis in Pakistan at the time of Mirza as he had
changed 5 Prime Ministers within three years. This affected the political
stability and development of the country. The government machinery was
almost collapsed and remained inefficient. So to bring stability and
development in the country military intervened.

Economic conditions:
The ministry made no significant development in the country. The political
crisis caused breakdown in economic progress as well. There was no
proper working in any major sector of the economy such as agriculture,
industries, trade, mining etc. Pakistan remained static in terms of economic
growth. So in order to bring economic stability in the country, Ayub imposed
martial law and introduced his set of reforms later.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
Why was Martial Law imposed in 1958?
Poor Law and Order Situation in East Pakistan:
The poor law and order situation of East Pakistan also contributed to the
removal of Iskander Mirza and imposition of martial law in 1958. In East
Pakistan Assembly in 1958 there had been turmoil, bloodshed and chaos.
Moreover, a speaker in East Pakistan had been killed. This situation was
alarming for the country, so to eliminate the poor situation in East Pakistan
and to take control of the government; martial law was imposed in 1958.

Ayub Khan vs Iskander Mirza:

Martial law was imposed in 1958 due to the clash between Ayub Khan and
Iskander Mirza. There were poor conditions in Pakistan and Mirza wanted to
control them through army’s force. On the other hand, Ayub Khan thought
Mirza responsible for the poor conditions of the country. Therefore, he
imposed martial law and took full control of the government to counter the
poor conditions prevailing at that time.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) Who was Ayub Khan? (4)
•Ayub Khan became the President of Pakistan after Iskander Mirza.
•At first he was an army chief.
•He exposed the Rawalpindi Conspiracy.
•Ayub was well known for his agricultural and other reforms which brought
Green Revolution in Pakistan.
•He also signed Indus Water Treaty with India and saved Pakistan’s agro-
based economy.
•He resigned in 1969 after massive strikes and protests in the country.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What was U-2 Incident (1960)?
•U-2 was a spy plane of USA whose task was to collect information of
Russian installations.
•Pakistan allowed US to use its airbase so U-2 took off from Peshawar.
•However, the plane was shot down by USSR and they blamed Pakistan for
allowing U-2 to take off from their lands.
•Due to this, relations were badly affected between Pakistan and USSR as
they thought that Pakistan was helping their foes.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What was Indus Water Treaty (1960)? (4)
•There was clash between India and Pakistan on the rivers, Indus, Jhelum,
Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej about who would own them.
•As a solution Indus Water Treaty was signed.
•Now Pakistan got rights over the rivers, Indus, Jhelum and Chenab and
India got control over Ravi, Sutlej and Beas.
•This saved the agro-based economy of Pakistan.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What were Basic Democracies? (4)
•They were introduced by Ayub Khan in 1960.
•It was four tier set up, the people had to elect the representatives at the
levels of Union Council, Tehsil Council, District Council and Division
•There were 80,000 representatives in total, equally from East and West
•They were also called Basic Democrats.
•They were responsible for the development of their areas.
•The Basic Democrats would choose members of assembly and head of
•Excellent System as common people problems would be easily
communicated. Better position for Pakistan, as voting done for Ayub
improved his position as leader, thus he cold remove Martial Law and also
good since now he could say he was democratic

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) Describe the constitution of 1962. (4)
•It was introduced by the ministry of Ayub Khan.
•Lifted Martial law and returned to democratic system.
•One Unit scheme abandoned.
•President cannot be removed unless impeached/charged.
•The form of government was Presidential and Objective Resolution was its
•President could pass any law and could reject any law suggested by the
•Pakistan was then named as Islamic Republic of Pakistan and both East
and West Pakistan were allowed to run their provincial governments.
•Also, there was now only one house in central legislature which was
national assembly, with equal number of seats for East and West Pakistan.
•Urdu and Bengali was declared as national languages of the country.
•N.A sessions both in Islamabad and Dhaka.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What was Green Revolution during 1960s? (4)
•Pakistan faced shortage of food during its early years. Ayub Khan brought
revolutionary changes in agriculture.
•His agricultural reforms included solving water issue with India, making
Dams and Barrages, which provided sufficient water to agriculture. Three
major Dams were built to help irrigations.
•He made laws and consolidated agricultural lands for greater output.
•No farm could be smaller then 12.5 acres or above 500 acres (irrigated)
and 1000 acres( un irrigated)
•Loans were given to farmers to built Wells for irrigation.
•Big Landlords were forced to hire tenants which raised productivity.
•He introduced variety of HYVs (High Yielding Varieties) to grow more and
quality crops.
•As a result Pakistan experienced great increase in agricultural output and
making it self-sufficient in this sector.
•Mostly enjoyed by the rich, the poor were unable to reap its benefits
Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What was “ The Decade of Development”? (4)
•Ayub Khan introduced many reforms in the country.
•In agriculture he brought Green revolution and increased the output by
making the country self-sufficient.
•In industrial sector, there was rapid progress. There was also a good pace
of development in other sectors as well such as education, health and
•So his era was termed as “Decade of development” due to high growth
•Loans from USA, UK and Germany.
•Industrial: Oil Refinery (1962), Established Oil Refinery in Karachi,
Pakistan could now import crude oil instead of refined oil +Positive
Economic Policies led to growth rate of 7% (best in Asia, 3x that of India)
-Only 22 families controlled most of the wealth, poor couldn’t benefit, most
of these were in West Pakistan.
•Mineral Development of Corporation was established.

• In 1964, an Economic Union was formed with Iran and Turkey as
well as RCD ( Regional Cooperation for Development) agreed to
develop ties in trade, commerce and Industry.
• Economic growth rose sharply/ grew to 7%.
• Incentives to attract foreign investors.
• Only 22 families controlled most of the wealth, poor couldn’t
benefit, most of these were in West Pakistan. (66% of Pakistan’
• Social Reforms:-
• With American aid first family planning problem was started, any
decrease in population growth can be attributed to him –Ulema’s
opposed it, considered it Un Islamic, so largely unsuccessful.

• Family Planning programs were set up.
• Awareness Campaign were done through radio, newspaper,
posters etc.
• Family ordnances in 1961, all marriages, divorces now had to be
registered. Husband needed 1st wife’s permission before further
marriages. Women’s rights supported despite Ulema opposition.
• Educational Reforms:-
• New Curriculum and textbooks were reorganized. Many schools,
colleges etc were set up. Free education from grade 1-5.
• Medical colleges were built and medical facilities were set up.
• This was known as ‘Extensive Literacy Program’.

• Refugee Issues:-
• Action taken against refugee problem specially in Karachi, General
Azem Khan was appointed as Rehabilitation minister.
• Rehabilitation scheme was set up.
• 75,000 refugees were settled in newly build houses, 40,000
housing units were built. Factory Owners were ordered to provide
accommodation to workers at reasonable rents.
• Foreign Policy:- Signed Indus Water Treaty under the UN +RCD
highway constructed b/w Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, improving relations
and all agreed to co operate in different sectors +Tashkent Accord
signed to send 1965 war in Russian City Tashkent, relations
improved with both as a result.

Change of Capital: New Capital

• Since Partition, Karachi was the Capital of Pakistan.

• Ayub Khan decided to build a new capital city: Islamabad.
• In 1959, a site was chosen to built Islamabad and replace Karachi
as a capital city. Construction started in Oct 1961.
• Officially announced in 1967. known as Planned city.
• Easy to govern as it was in Pakistan’s center. Covered by
mountainous region. More secure as compared to Karachi.
Removed sea threat to Karachi.
• Karachi was focus of development.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What was RCD (1964)? (4) OR What is ECO (1985)? (4)
Answer would remain same
•It stands for Regional Cooperation for Development.
•The members of this organization were Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.
•Its purpose was to promote socio-economic development in member
•RCD was dissolved in 1979.
•In 1985, the new organization ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization)
was established by the same members.
•Later on, Afghanistan and 6 Central Asian countries also joined it.

Political Unrest/ 1965 elections.

• In 1965 elections, oppositions supported Fatima Jinnah.

• Ayub khan won the election. 64% votes
• Fatima Jinnah 34% votes.
• Opposition claimed it was rigged. Riots started and 20 people
• In 1965 Pakistan went to war with India over Kashmir issue.
Neither sides were able to win the war and Kashmir issue was not
• Ayub Khan told his people that they won the war. Peace Treaty
was signed at Tashkent.
• Ayub Khan blamed And sacked the Foreign minister Zulfikar Ali
• Bhutto now in opposition of Ayub Khan.

• Discontent by 1968 with the government.
• There were students protects in W.P, failed assassination attack on
him in Peshawar, arrest of Bhutto led to more riots and chaos.
• On 17 Feb 1969, Ayub withdrew emergency powers and released
all political prisoners to calm the unrest/situation.
• large number of Basic democrats resigned.
• On 25 March 1969, he resigned as he didn’t had enough support to
stay in power.
• No new elections, handed powers to army chief Yahya khan,
second time martial law was imposed.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)
(a) What was Tashkent Agreement (1966)? (4)
•After Indo-Pak war of 1965, USSR brought India and Pakistan to table talk.
•Both countries agreed that they would go back to their previous war fronts.
•However, Kashmir Issue still remained unsolved.
•This led to the unpopularity of Ayub as the people criticized him for not
taking firm stand on Kashmir issue.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)

(b) Part Questions (7 marks)

(b) Why was the Constitution of 1962 unsuccessful? (7)

Issue of Equal No. of seats for both East and West Pakistan:
The constitution of 1962 faced the same resentment from East Pakistanis
once again because of the issue of equal number of seats. East Pakistan
formed majority of the population of whole Pakistan and so wanted more
number of seats. However, West Pakistanis wanted equal number of seats.
East Pakistanis thought that West Pakistan did not want power to fall in their
hands and that their rights were denied, so they opposed the 1962
constitution which led to its failure.

Change in name of country:

The Objective resolution suggested the name of the country as “Islamic
Republic of Pakistan” but it was replaced by “Republic of Pakistan”. There
was huge criticism by religious groups across the country. The government
later on changed it again due to criticism. But the religious groups and like-
minded people considered it as an attempt to go against the spirit of Islam
so the constitution lost the support.

(b) Why was the Constitution of 1962 unsuccessful? (7)

Constitutional Dictatorship:
Another reason why the constitution of 1962 was unsuccessful was that
now there was President-Centered Power and President had got Supreme
authority. He could not only control the passing of laws but could even reject
any law passed by the Assembly. Moreover, he got emergency powers too
so that the style of ruling was a dictatorship. This created conflicts,
imbalance and disagreements in the major state departments of Pakistan
which became cause of its failure.

(b) Why did Ayub Khan become unpopular during his last years
in Pakistan? (7)
Unsolved Kashmir Issue during Tashkent Agreement:
USSR contributed to a ceasefire between India and Pakistan after the war
of 1965 and brought them on table talk. It was decided that the war would
be immediately ended and both India and Pakistan would go back to their
previous war fronts. However, the Kashmir Issue which was the main cause
of war remained unsolved this made President Ayub Khan extremely
unpopular in Pakistan.

Style of ruling:
Ayub Khan’s style of ruling also contributed to his fall. Ayub Khan’s style of
ruling was dictatorship and he had created the 1962 constitution in such a
way that granted him supreme authority and power so that he could pass or
reject any law and also got emergency powers. This created resentment in
the people, politicians and the important state departments of Pakistan and
they stopped supporting Ayub Khan.

(b) Why did Ayub Khan become unpopular during his last years
in Pakistan? (7)
Inflation during the final years of Ayub Khan:
Inflation was another important cause of Ayub’s decline. During the final
years of Ayub Khan the prices of basic commodities had gone high. The rise
in prices proved to be fatal for the government. As most of the population of
Pakistan was poor, they could not afford their basic needs due to which they
withdrew their support from Ayub Khan and he had to resign later.

(b) Why was Islamabad chosen as the new capital of Pakistan?
Karachi: congested and lack of buildings:
Islamabad was chosen as the new capital of Pakistan because of the
prevailing situation in Karachi. At first the capital of Pakistan was Karachi
which was congested and was a commercial hub due to which ruling had
become very difficult. Moreover the government also faced difficulty in
finding suitable buildings and offices. On the other hand, Islamabad was
spacious and had a clean environment. So, it was comfortably divided into
different zones, accommodating state offices and embassies which made
administration much easier than Karachi that is why Islamabad was chosen
as the new capital of Pakistan.
GHQ in Rawalpindi was closer to Islamabad:
Another reason for choosing Islamabad was to remain close to army
headquarters that was located in Rawalpindi. As Ayub Khan was army chief
as well so coordination between the Karachi and Rawalpindi was difficult
because the distance between the two cities was more than 1000
kilometers. So to maintain better and effective administration between
capital and army headquarters, Islamabad was chosen as new capital of
(b) Why was Islamabad chosen as the new capital of Pakistan?
Climate of Karachi vs Islamabad:
Another aspect for the changing of capital from Karachi to Islamabad was
the climatic factor. The climate of Karachi was warmer as compared to
Islamabad which had a cooler climate. This also made ruling much
comfortable in Islamabad due to pleasant weather.

Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)

(c) Descriptive Question (14 marks)

(c) Agricultural reforms of Ayub Khan were the most important of his
domestic policies. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (14)

Indus Water Treaty:

Indus Water Treaty was an achievement of Ayub Khan that had long lasting
effects on agriculture. There was conflict between India and Pakistan on the
rivers, Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas about who would own
these rivers. To solve this issue, Indus Water Treaty was signed which gave
Pakistan rights over the rivers, Indus, Jhelum and Chenab and gave India
rights over the rivers Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. Now the threat to the agro-
based economy of Pakistan was no more and Pakistan got enough water
for basic needs.

Set Limits to the land owned (Agricultural):

Ayub’s another reform in agricultural was to consolidate the agricultural land
for more output. The minimum land owned was to be 12.5 acres. The
maximum non-irrigated land was to be 1000 acres and irrigated land owned
was to be a maximum of 500 acres. As a result of this reform, the poorly run
farms were replaced by farms which were run effectively. This also raised
the output and was considered as a great achievement.
(c) Agricultural reforms of Ayub Khan were the most important of his
domestic policies. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (14)

Another revolutionary step was to provide High Yielding Variety of Seeds to
farmers. As a result there was a high increase in agricultural production and
there was much more high output. The quality of the production was also
raised. As a result Pakistan became self-sufficient in food and earned lot of
money by exporting surplus food items.

Family Planning Programme (Social):

One of the social reforms of Ayub Khan was his Family planning
Programme which he used to control the population growth of Pakistan. The
government used different ways to make people aware of the problems of
high growth of population such as radio, cinema and newspaper. Even
though it was opposed by ulemas, but it showed Ayub’s efforts to control the
population size of Pakistan and to stop it from being overpopulated.

(c) Agricultural reforms of Ayub Khan were the most important of his
domestic policies. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (14)

Accommodation of refugees (Social):

Ayub Khan with the help of General Azam Khan tried to accommodate
refugees. He settled and accommodated almost 75,000 refugees solved the
problem of shelter-less refugees. Laws were also passed which provided
these refugees jobs in different factories. This showed the efforts of the
Government to solve refugee issue.

Constitution of 1962 (Constitutional):

The Constitution of 1962 was introduced by Ayub as a constitutional reform
which granted him supreme authority and power. The powers of provincial
governors were considerably reduced. The parliament was unicameral with
equal number of seats for East and West Pakistan. Moreover, to create
unity and peace between East and West Pakistan, both Urdu and Bengali
were recognized national languages therefore this was an achievement of
Ayub Khan.

(c) Agricultural reforms of Ayub Khan were the most important of his
domestic policies. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (14)

Basic Democracies (Constitutional):

The Basic Democracies was a four-tier structure which was introduced by
Ayub Khan during his regime. In which the people had to elect the
representatives at the levels of Union Council Tehsil Council, District
Council and Division Council. There were 80,000 representatives in total,
equally from East and West Pakistan. They were responsible for the
development of their areas. The Basic Democrats would choose members
of assembly and head of State. This promoted development in Pakistan and
the problems and issues of the people could now be solved much quicker
and easier.
Industrial Reform:
He focused on industrialization by establishing zones in every major city of
Pakistan. In 1962, oil refinery was established in Karachi which played a
role in cheap production of oil. Mineral Development Corporation set up for
the exploration of mineral deposits in the country. Different schemes were
introduced to encourage exporters which increased the exports. These
steps resulted in highest economic growth rate which was highest in East
Asia then.
Ministry of Ayub Khan (1958 - 1969)

(c) Analytical Question (14 marks)

(c) How successful was the ministry of Ayub Khan during 1958
and 1969? (14)
SUCCESS: (You can also share Industrial reforms)
Agricultural reforms:
The first achievements of Ayub Khan were his agricultural reforms which
brought Green Revolution in Pakistan. He encouraged the use of modern
machinery and gave loans to farmers on installments. Ayub also provided
farmers High Yielding Seeds which increased the quality and quantity of
agricultural production to such an extent that Pakistan became self-
sufficient in food and earned foreign exchange by exporting surplus food

Indus Water Treaty:

Indus Water Treaty was another achievement of Ayub Khan. There was
conflict between India and Pakistan on the rivers, Indus, Jhelum, Chenab,
Ravi, Sutlej and Beas about who would own these rivers. To solve this
issue, Indus Water Treaty was signed which gave Pakistan rights over the
rivers, Indus, Jhelum and Chenab and gave India rights over the rivers Ravi,
Sutlej and Beas. Now the threat to the agro-based economy of Pakistan
was no more and Pakistan got enough water for basic needs. 35
(c) How successful was the ministry of Ayub Khan during 1958
and 1969? (14)
Constitutional Reforms:
A new constitution was introduced in 1962 after the abolishment of 1958
constitution. The form of ruling was Presidential and now there was Federal
form of Government. Also the powers of provincial governors were reduced.
Basic Democracies were also made. The people had to elect them and they
in turn would elect members of assembly and President. This showed that
Pakistan was now successful in making constitution and the problems of the
people could be easily addressed.
Social Reforms:
The social reforms also proved to be important in Pakistan. Ayub introduced
Family Planning Programme to control the birth rate of Pakistan. People
were made aware of population growth through radio, newspapers and in
cinemas. The rights of women were also protected and Ayub himself with
the help of General Azam Khan accommodated 75,000 refugees and also
provided them jobs in factories. Even though there was criticism on some of
these policies, but it showed the efforts of the Government to reduce birth
rate, accommodation of refugees and protecting women rights. 36
(c) How successful was the ministry of Ayub Khan during 1958
and 1969? (14)
Kashmir Issue and Tashkent Agreement:
USSR contributed to a ceasefire between India and Pakistan after the war
of 1965 and brought them on table talk. It was decided that the war would
be immediately ended and both India and Pakistan would go back to their
previous war fronts. However, the Kashmir Issue which was the main cause
of war remained unsolved this made President Ayub Khan extremely
unpopular in Pakistan.

Style of ruling:
Ayub Khan’s style of ruling also contributed to his fall. Ayub Khan’s style of
ruling was dictatorship and he had created the 1962 constitution in such a
way that granted him supreme authority and power so that he could pass or
reject any law and also got emergency powers. This created resentment in
the people, politicians and the important state departments of Pakistan and
they stopped supporting Ayub Khan.

(c) How successful was the ministry of Ayub Khan during 1958
and 1969? (14)

Inflation during the final years of Ayub Khan:

Inflation was another important cause of Ayub’s decline. During the final
years of Ayub Khan the prices of basic commodities had gone high. The rise
in prices proved to be fatal for the government. As most of the population of
Pakistan was poor, they could not afford their basic needs due to which they
withdrew their support from Ayub Khan and he had to resign later.

Yahya Khan 1969-71
Success Failures
 Abolished the One Unit Scheme  Abrogated 1962 Constitution,
which had been heavily criticized,  Six point agenda by Mujib-ur-
broke Pakistan back into separate Rehman.
provinces.  Disagreement of transfer of Power.
 Provincial Autonomy.  Postponed the first session of the
 Basic Democrats system abolished. newly elected assembly indefinitely.
 Announced that seats would be  Didn’t let Mujib take power despite
proportionate to the population, the fact that he won the elections
pleased East Pakistan. fairly.
 Organized First elections on basis  Failed dialogues b/w Mujib, Bhutto
of one man one vote, most fair and Yahya
elections in Pakistan History. Direct  Demand of separate nation by east
voting rights to public. Pakistan.
 1970 political activities resumed.
 Martial Law lifted.
 Elections were finally held on 7 Dec
1970. Awami league won the
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