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Bahasa Inggris

S1 Farmasi 2020
Warming Up 1
Find the meaning and make a sentence for each word
1. Torture - penyiksaan 1. Trigger - pemicu
2. Fume – asap 2. Loose - longgar
3. Arrange - mengatur 3. Tight - ketat
4. Fragrant – harum 4. Cling - melekat
5. Grease - lemak 5. Clamp - penjepit
6. Ointment - salep 6. Pressure - tekanan
7. Flint – batu api 7. Flask - labu
8. Vial – botol 8. Dissolution - pembubaran
9. Tool - alat 9. Grain – butiran/biji
10. React- reaksi 10. Grind - menggiling
11. Shake - goyang 11. Filament - filamen
12. Swallow - menelan 12. Holder - pemegang
13. Heat - panas 13. Spuit –
14. Mixture - campuran 14. Extensive - luas
15. Solution - larutan 15. Whole - seluruh
1. The torture that the young man gave to his friends resulted in his friend being seriously injured.
2. factory fumes can cause environmental pollution.
3. we have to arrange the table arrangement to make it look neat,
4.father planted fragrant roses
5. meatballs contain very high grease
6. medicine to heal burns in the form of ointments
7. And, as it turns out, the flint doesn't work.
8. Okay. that last vial, how much did you get into him?
9. That's the most valuable tool a cop can have.
10. Your cells react to bacteria and viruses differently than mine.
11. shake the drink with milk to make it sweeter.
12. Don't swallow anything weird up there.
13. It simply requires a heat source to disperse it into the air.
14. It is an ancient mixture soft, unborn grains flavored with rose petals.
15. Look, i have the solution to all your problems.
16. I added a wavelength trigger to stimulate the fear receptors in your brain.
17. Mr. Butch is gonna let loose with both barrels of that sawed off!
18. Shut the doors and lock'em tight.
19. We mustn't cling to the past.
20. If i let go of this clamp, he dies.
21. The pressure that can be contained by the reactor is limited.
22. I bet you can't drink the rest of this flask.
23. We will worry about the terms of our dissolution tomorrow.
24. we send grain for the farmers to plant
25. I grind into my morning coffee.
26. I gave the patient a drug that regresses the filaments.
27. But he is still a share holder and as such has a right to speak.
28. spuit is a simple tool for injecting or sucking in liquid or gas
29. Dr. vincent sandinsky has done extensive research on the bargain theory.
30. Now the whole world is full of living things.
Warming Up 2
Write down what is the reason why did you choose your major now and what you wish to
do next 5 years with it (min 200 words)!
One of the reasons I choose S1 in pharmacy was due to the reques of
parents, they wanted their children to enter the world of health and my
ability to study chemistry so pharmachy as chosen.

My target for the time being is to focus on education so that I can

graduate with a satisfactory IPK and immediately get a good job soon.
After getting a suitable job, I have to save every month, send my parents
every month, buy the necessities I need and in the next 2 years I have to
send my parents to the holy land of MEKKAH, buy a house to live in the

And for the next 5 years, hopefully I can continue to the pharmasist
degree and I have my own pharmacy.
Desire for my self want to travel around the world my self want to see the
world at large the real.

And my greatest wish is to volunteer in remote areas in Indonesia and

even in other countries. I want to reach out to those who need help from
Kompetensi 1:
Task 1
translate this passage
Ada tiga cara untuk memasukkan pasien ke rumah sakit: baik sebagai rawat jalan,
pasien sehari atau rawat inap. seorang pasien rawat jalan membutuhkan perawatan
tetapi bukan tempat tidur. pasien sehari membutuhkan tempat tidur selama beberapa
jam, tetapi tidak perlu menginap. seorang pasien rawat inap perlu menginap
rumah sakit perlu merencanakan penerimaan pasien. mereka harus memprediksi
berapa banyak tempat tidur yang akan mereka butuhkan. Sangat mudah untuk
menarik rujukan dari dokter seperti dokter umum, tetapi sejumlah besar pasien
datang memikirkan A&E, dan lebih sulit untuk merencanakannya.
sangat penting untuk menyimpan catatan pengobatan pasien yang akurat, mulai dari
masuk hingga keluar dan tindak lanjut. ini termasuk detail pribadi seperti status
perkawinan, pekerjaan dan kerabat terdekat, serta riwayat kesehatan seperti
penyakit dan perawatan masa lalu, riwayat keluarga dan gaya hidup.
staf medis mencatat semua perawatan, hasil tes dan korespondensi. mereka
mencoba merekam hal-hal ini pada saat itu terjadi. ini penting, dan tidak hanya
untuk memastikan perawatan yang benar. catatan medis kadang-kadang digunakan
untuk penelitian, atau di pengadilan.
Task 2
According to
Comprehension the text, are the following statements are true (T) or false (F)?

1 Admissions to hospital are all inpatients. False (F)

2 There are more emergency admissions than referrals. False (F)
3 Hospital records stop at discharge. False (F)
4 Personal details are part of medical records. True (T)
5 Staff should record treatments at the end of their shift. False (F)
6 Only medical staff can look at medical records. True (T)
Task 3
Task 4
follow the link and make a simple summary in Indonesian
using max (200 words)
Masuk terencana
Jika penerimaan rumah sakit Anda direncanakan, bagaimana Anda dirawat tergantung pada
apakah Anda pergi ke rumah sakit umum atau swasta, jenis perawatan apa yang Anda terima dan
seberapa mendesak perawatan Anda.
Sebelum pergi ke rumah sakit, dokter Anda biasanya akan memberi Anda rujukan untuk menemui
spesialis, dan Anda perlu menghubungi klinik spesialis dan membuat janji. Di rumah sakit umum,
waktu tunggu Anda untuk operasi elektif tergantung pada seberapa mendesak kondisi Anda, yang
ditentukan oleh spesialis yang memasukkan Anda ke rumah sakit. Di rumah sakit umum, Anda
mungkin tidak dapat memilih spesialis perawatan Anda.

Masuk tidak terencana

Anda mungkin tiba di rumah sakit dengan transportasi Anda sendiri atau dengan ambulans.
Jika kondisi Anda tidak terduga dan Anda memerlukan perawatan segera, Anda akan dirawat di
unit gawat darurat setibanya di rumah sakit - ini dilakukan melalui proses yang dikenal sebagai
Perawat darurat spesialis, yang disebut perawat triase, akan menilai kondisi Anda, memberikan
pertolongan pertama, dan menentukan seberapa cepat Anda membutuhkan perawatan.
Anda mungkin diminta menunggu di ruang tunggu.

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