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Hello and welcome to the third chapter of the Fitzhugh Legacy!

Last time, our founder, Zelda, and her husband Robi The
Exterminator had three children, two of which were on their way to college when we last saw them.

A quick recap on the kids: Grace, shown here as a teen, is a Grilled Cheese Sim who thinks she's a Romance Sim, and
to be quite honest acts like neither one. Here are the stats for her that I left out of the last chapter:

Grace Fitzhugh
Aspiration: Grilled Cheese
LTW: Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Pisces, 0/4/8/4/9

The fact that she has no neat points is entirely due to her father, who also has none. *sulks* Other than that, she has
many good points. And she's quite beautiful.
And Isaac, also shown here as a Teen. He is quite handsome and rolled Pleasure for his aspiration, which normally
annoys me to no end, but he's actually surprised me by being quite fun to play. Here are his stats:

Isaac Fitzhugh
Aspiration: Pleasure
LTW: Be a Professional Party Guest
Virgo: 10/2/8/10/5

I have no idea where he got that ten neat points from...Robi has none as aforesaid and Zelda only has five. But it makes
me very happy. *pets little man*

I had a very hard time deciding which of these two would be the heir when they were teens. So I decided to send them
both to college and pick there. And here they are!
Following in the tradition of their mother, they aged into horrible clothing. Not so bad that I can't stand it for a little while
until they get enough money to buy new ones, though. All their scholarship money is going to go toward rebuilding the
house, which was fine for their mother but just won't accommodate them.

Grace also aged pudgy due to all the grilled cheese she ate as a teen. Don't worry, this will be fixed, as fatness is not a
good look for her.
Let's leave them to their pillow fighting while I go fix up the house.
This is what Zelda managed to build when she was at college. Tiny living room, tinier kitchen, and okay sized bedroom
and bathroom. Fine for a single, but not for more than that. Plus, Annie will be joining them after freshman year, and we
need to plan ahead for her.
And this is what they ended up with. Larger living room, nicer kitchen, boys' room, girls' room, and nice bathroom in
between. Much better.

As an aside, I should say that when Zelda was in college I forgot to have her call for a charter for the house, so it is not
a Greek House and I have lost this bonus. Ah well. It'll give me room to experiment with it before Generation 3 comes
Grace, is that lobster thermidor I spy?

"Yep! Yum, seafood."

Um, you're a Gr- *coughs* you want to eat 200 grilled cheeses, right? Shouldn't you be working on that?

"I like all foods! Besides, I'm not obsessed with grilled cheese. I'm a Romance Sim."

*snorts* Your large backside begs to differ on that, honey. After you finish your lobster, it's body point time for you.
"Marina, I'm so tired, and I stink! Can I quit now?"

Nope. Give me a few more jumping jacks, little girl.

"Yeah, I'm hawt!"

That is much better. The dress looks halfway decent on you now.
"Hmm, I'm hungry. A nice lobster thermidor would do the trick right about now..."

Nope, sorry, little man. You need to edify your sister and eat her grilled cheese so she can be platinum. Besides, she's
the only one in the family who can make lobster without burning it.

Surprisingly, one of Isaac's first wants when he got to college was to invite Zelda over. It was worth more than what he
usually wants to do (jump on the couch, take bubblebaths, etc.) so I let him.

"Hey, Mom, glad to see you!"

"Hello, Isaac. I like what you and Grace have done with the place. It looks nice. Despite the fact that the outside is very

"First grant we get, we're changing that, Mom. One little thing at a time."
Okay, this picture should show you why I am about to do this. Hey, Isaac?
"Yeah, Marina?"
We need to have a chat. I have a proposition for you.
"Okay, what?"
You know your family is a Legacy Family, right?
"Sure, Mom and Dad have told us about it."
Okay, good. You should know that I have to choose one of you to be the heir, then. Well...the job's yours, if you want it.
Seriously. It was close between you and Grace for a while, but I decided you're the better pick. This means you'll have to move
back in with your parents after graduation, get married, and have a few children. What do you think?
"Can I have lots of dates?"
Lots and lots of dates, if you want them.
"Score! I'll do it!"
*laughs* Glad you're happy.
Now that that's settled, the first order of business is to find Isaac a spouse. We called maid services hoping for Kaylynn,
since she's pretty and is friends with Zelda.

Nope. We got Remington.

Now, I really don't think this guy is that good looking. His nose is huge, and he has kind of sunken cheeks. Ew. He's
nice enough, though, so I'll see if I can hook him up with Annie and get a better maid for the house. She's Family and so
is he, so they're bound to have at least one bolt.

Why are you looking at me? Of course I'm not heartless enough to foist Annie off on someone she has no chemistry
with just because I don't like her. The idea. *huffs*
Try services. Look! It's Lauren Reeves! Excellent. She is very pretty. If she and Isaac have any chemistry,
they will get married.

Isaac, quick, tip her!

"She's already gone."

Darn. Well, at least she's on his contact list now. There is no escape. *evil laughter*
The sibs made it through their first semester with 4.0's and hefty grants, so I sent Isaac downtown to get them better
clothing. While there, he spun up a want to freestyle for tips, so I let him. It gained quite a crowd, including one of my
Sim-roommates. Hey, SimCasey!

"Hey, Marina!" *dances along*

*grins* This is one of the funniest interactions ever. I about died laughing watching Isaac do this. He was quite good at it,
too, and even got tipped by two people. Must be all the creativity points at work.
"This isn't grilled cheese."

I thought you said you weren't obsessed.

"I was in the mood."

Too bad. You can always have grilled comes few and far between, for you. Plus it's a small price to pay
to get your brother a spouse.
"Nah, I'm still in college. It's important in my family to have a degree, so I'm sticking with it."
"You like drama? You should talk with my mom sometime them...she was a Drama major and she loved it."
"We paint masterpieces all the time in my family! It's almost like a tradition."
"My three best friends in the world are my parents and my oldest sister, Grace. You'd like them. *pauses* No, of course
I'm not playing up my family to you because you're a Family Sim and might think about dating me. Of course not."

Isaac gained seventy-two relationship points with Lauren from one phone call. I guess this means she enjoyed the
conversation topic. *grins*
This is Grace with her new outfit. She's so pretty.
"Hey, Lauren, glad you could make it!"

"It's my pleasure. You and your sister have a nice place here."

"You like it? Really? It needs a little more fixing up but we did our best and-"

"Yes, I do, really."

And awwwwwww.

Poor Isaac didn't get his first kiss as a teen. It's just as well he gets it now with Lauren, who will definitely be marrying him
now that I know they're attracted to one another. So cute.
*blinks* Isaac, you've never been robbed, what do you know about crime?

"Lauren is concerned for the safety of families in Authorland, so we're talking about it. It's nice to be informed."


"What was that?"

Nothing. Carry on.

Ah, the life of a non-permaplat Pleasure Sim. Juggling and dating. Typical day-to-day routine for Isaac.

Well, he and Grace have completed their freshman year, and you know what that's time to move Annie to the
house and use her scholarship money to paper the walls.

I'm not looking forward to this. Annie has always been a brat, and I doubt growing up will change that. We shall see.
You got here safely I see.
"Of course I did."
Good, good. *stares* *dies laughing*
"WHAT is it now? I swear, you are crazy."
Annie, Annie, Annie. Up until now you've had generally good fashion sense, but WHAT makes you think that Brandi LeTourneau's pink
jersey shirt goes with that flowy blue thing?
"Sheesh, can't you lay off me for one minute? I just got here and already you're picking on me."
Take it easy, little girl, we'll have Isaac get you some new clothes. Truce?

Stats for Annie:

Rianne Fitzhugh
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Golden Anniversary *yawn*
Pisces: 0/4/8/4/9 (just like Grace *fumes*)
Isaac and Grace welcome their sister to college with the traditional grilled cheese.

"This is all we're going to eat until you graduate, isn't it?"

"Grace has to get platinum some way."

That's my boy! *pets little man*

The first thing I have them do, usually, is work on their term papers. It gets it out of the way, and they are set to go until
finals, since it usually doesn't take much more than just going to class every day to get their grade bars full.
HA. See what happens when you don't let your sister make you grilled cheese?

"Okay, I'll be good from now on, I swear! No more unsanctioned cooking!"

Much better.
"So how about I tip you $100 and you can think about dating my sister?"

"Is your sister hot?"

"Think me but with short hair."

"Mmmm, you're definitely hot. I'll think about it."

"*awkwardly* Okay then."

"Come on and dance with me, dance with me tonight..."
"Lauren, I realize this is our second date, but I love you and want you to marry me. Will you?"
"Oh, Isaac, of course I will! I love you too!"

"Great! Um...there's something else I need to talk to you about."

"Uh oh. Sounds bad."

"It's not, really, just important. Sit down with me?"

I hope Lauren takes the fact that she is marrying into a Legacy family all right.
Looks like she did.

"I love Lauren, I love de da..."

WHOA. I love Lauren too! Thanks for the piano!
"So take $100, no skin off my teeth. Want to go out with me sometime?"

"Sure! Thanks for the cash!"

They decide to chat it up in the bathroom, with Annie in her pajamas, no less. Good grief.

Oh, and I was right about them...two bolts. Annie's happy. They'll get married.
"Hey, Lauren, thanks for meeting me downtown."

"My pleasure, Isaac! I like your house, and all, but it's nice to have a date somewhere else for a change."

"Of course it is. Want to try on some clothes?"

I see you, Lauren.

"Huh? Oh, you must be that Supreme Authoress person Isaac talked about earlier."

That would be me, yes. Nice to meet you.

"You too. Hey, I'm going to go help Isaac with his shirt buttons real quick. Be right back."

Uh huh. Shirt buttons. Say, tell Isaac I hope he appreciates this. The things I do to get him a dream date.

"No problem!"
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

"Gee, Remington, your back's all in knots. You must work awfully hard."

"Yeah, but I like it. Besides, I get to meet people all the time. I like your family a lot."

"You do?"

"Yes. You especially. You're the nicest, hottest chick I ever met."

"Aww, thanks."

And the bouquets begin to appear.

Three are Isaac's. He had three dream dates in a row with Lauren downtown. The other one is Annie's from Rem. They
really hit it off.
You put those mechanical points to work, Isaac!

"Can't we call a repairman?"

Nope. This is character building.

"But I'm a Pleasure Sim!"

You're in platinum and don't fear fixing bathtubs. Keep going. By the way, you left out the Smoothie Mistress thing when
you explained things to Lauren.

"Don't be picky! *grunt* She got the gist."

Okay then.
"Remington, marry me, and we will make the slobbiest neatfreak babies Authorland has ever seen."

"Uh, that's a little bit of an oxymoron, Annie."

"Go with it, Rem."

"Okay. I'd love to marry you."

This is almost cute.
Grace, now that your siblings are set up with spouses, you ought to start thinking about one, too.

"Whatever for? I like going to class and hanging with Isaac and Annie and making grilled cheese."

You won't be in college forever.

"Okay. Well...I kinda like my professor. He's cute."

We'll keep him in mind.

"But only if he'll talk to me about grilled cheese! Hardly anyone does."

AHA. I caught you.

"All right, fine. I like babies. I potty trained Isaac, remember?"

A little weird to think about since you and he are now in college together, but yeah.

I think it's true love, people! He won't run away with his ears plugged!

Meet Professor Charlie Carr, everyone.

These two do this all the time. They've been best friends since he was a toddler. I hate to break them up once they
graduate, but there won't be room in the house for her.
It IS true love! Score one for Grace!
"I love you, Charlie. Will you marry me, even though I'm a Romance Sim? I'll make you lots of grilled cheese."

"Sure, I'll marry you! Say, do you think the making of grilled cheese is a viable topic for my dissertation?"

"Sure it is!"

*groan* He's a Knowledge Sim. Perfect. At least Grace is happy.

And aww.
"I want roses."

Annie, those are Grace's. You have your own bunch at the other end of the room.

"Hers are nicer."

What are you talking about? They look the same. Now leave her flowers alone please.
"So, dearest sister, how do you feel about getting me platinum and serving us up some grilled cheese?"

"Why Grace, I'd love to!"

*snickers* I love influence points.

If you can't beat them, serve them grilled cheese. Tee hee. Daryl the llama keeps popping by to cheer at them when
they're working, and they finally decided not to waste the opportunity, and gain his friendship through food.

Ever watch a llama eat? It's hilarious.

Obligatory Smustle picture. Gosh they're cute.
"Congratulations on getting another 4.0, brother! *thwack*"

"You too, sis! *thwack* Can you believe we're seniors now?"

"I know! *THWACK*"

Isaac and Grace each wrote a novel, and with the money, I bought the flower station. I want Grace and Charlie to try
their hands at a business when she graduates, so we're going to see if she can get a gold badge.

(She did, by the way. I didn't get the picture, though.)

Ooh, Annie, you're in trouble now. I take my eyes off you for one minute and you go spying on my Simself. Bad move.
"Young lady, you're as bad as your father! Quit spying on me or else!"

"I wasn't spying!"

"Don't lie to me, Rianne! I'm the Supreme Authoress! I know all! I saw you do it!"
"*sobs* I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

Serves you right.

We bought the toy station too. Isaac didn't get a gold badge, but he made some fire trucks that his kids will love to play
with when we get that far.
And here's just a gratuitous shot of Isaac for your viewing pleasure. *stares happily* If he weren't the heir, I'd have set
him up with SimMarina. He is so cute.
Hey, Lauren.

"Yeek! No one was supposed to see me."

I see everything.

"Aww man."

It's okay. I won't tell anyone. What are you up to?

"Nothing much. Just leaving a little present for Isaac."

*gapes* Lauren, I love you. You're a fantastic date, you know that?

"Of course I do. *grins* You think he'll like it?"

He'll love it.

(Never mind that I sold it immediately. *grins*)

Charlie! You too?

"What? Is my present bad? You don't think Grace will like it?"

She'll love it, promise.

(I sold this too. Tee hee.)

"Drop and give me twenty, young lady!"

*blinks* Coach, why are you picking on Annie? I just checked her fitness and it was fine.

"Marina! Help! Make him stop!"

Nah, this is amusing. You can use the exercise anyway.

"So, Annie, how about making me platinum again?"

"Sure thing!"

*snickers* This is NOT Annie's day, is it?

AHA. I see why the Coach was after you. Where did THAT outrageous flub come from out of nowhere?

"Remmy likes fatness."

And you look disgusting. The next thing I'm buying you is a treadmill.
Grace and Isaac have finally graduated! Yippee! 4.0's all around, Summa Cum Laude degrees in Literature. Great work,
you two. Here, have a pretty backyard as a present.



I built this because Isaac wants a grad party and they didn't have much to entertain with. Here's hoping I don't regret
buying the bubble blower.
Grace is already enjoying herself.

"I want one of these for when I move in with Charlie!"

Motherlode will get you that, honey.

Ta-da! One fresh and squeaky clean graduate for your viewing pleasure. *gazes happily*
"Glad you could make it, Mom!"

"Why would I miss my only son's grad party? Hey, where's your fiancee? You said you invited her."

"I did, but she couldn't make it. It was short notice and she had to work overtime."

"Shame. I'll meet her when she moves in I guess."

"You'll like her, Mom, trust me."

So you approve of my heir choice, Zelda?

"Yeah. I love my daughters, but it'll be nice to have Isaac at home. Plus I don't want to be eating grilled cheese throughout my
golden years."

Well put.
The family bonds in the hottub catching up on old times.

"Isaac and I got 4.0's every semester, Dad!"

"That's great, Grace! You've made your old man proud."

Sucking up to our Knowledge Sim father, are we Grace?

"Not at all."

Attack of the hideous bathing suits! *dies laughing*

I thought I'd regret the bubble blower, but they did have fun with it, and it let me get one last good siblings picture.

UGH! More ugly swimwear! I never want to look at that again, Isaac.

"Me either!"
And your everyday is not that much better. Ugh. Socks and shorts. Disgusting.

"All right, I get it, I'm going Downtown for clothes as soon as I get home."

You bet you are. See you back in Authorland, Isaac, and have a safe trip.

"Sure thing."
"So my brother just finished his grad party which was technically my party too, and I want to go back to Authorland now
and use Motherlode like whoa so I can build a house for my Charlie and eat grilled cheese with him for the rest of my

That's one way to go out in style, Gracie.

"Bye Grace! Have fun in grilled cheese eating oblivion!"

"Bye Annie! Have fun holding down the fort until Isaac's kids get here!"

Work those thighs, Annie!

"Ack! I can't take it any more!"

You can and will.

Tee hee. That's where I'm leaving you for now, everyone. Next time we'll see Isaac's kids grow up and the rebuilding of
the Fitzhugh house (which I can't wait to show you as I'm quite proud of it). Until then, happy Simming!

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