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Since we are of the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of

faith and love and the helmet that is hope for salvation.
•This letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians is
the first and earliest NT Writing. Hence, it
precedes even the gospels. It’s contents reflect
the situation of the Thessalonian Church in the
middle of the first century AD.
• Receiving a firsthand report about this church from
Timothy, Paul writes to Thessalonians as he is
unable to visit them. He encourages the Christians
there to continue to be strong in their new faith. He
also allays their fear regarding the fate of the faithful
dead before the Parousia of the Lord.
•This letter is written in the names of Paul,
Silvanus and Timothy. Both Silvanus and
Timothy were with Paul when he visited
Thessalonica for the first time (Acts 17:1-9).
Silvanus (Silas)
• He was an associate of Paul and leader in the early Church.
It seems that both Silvanus and Silas are the same person.
Paul chose Silas instead of John Mark and took him as his
companion on his second missionary journey.
• Acts 15:36-61; Acts 15:41-18:5
• He was another colleague of Paul on his missionary
journey and activities. When Paul was left alone in
Athens, he sent Timothy as his envoy to the Church
of Thessalonica. Timothy brought good news about
the Thessalonian Christians to Paul in Corinth.
• 1 Thess 3:1-5; cf. Acts 17:13-16
Context, Place and Date
• It is believed that the first letter to the Church in Thessalonica was
sent from Corinth after the three missionaries were reunited there.
9Acts 18:5; 2 Cor 1:19. When Paul was expelled from Thessalonica
and then from Borea, he reached Athens. From Athens, he sent his
trusted companion Timothy back to Thessalonica to report on the
growth of the Thessalonians in Christian faith.
• Timothy came back to Paul at Corinth, carrying the
good news about the Church at Thessalonica.
Encouraged by the news of good fruits of their
missionary endeavor there, Paul writes a letter to the
Thessalonians around AD 50, thanking God for their
faith, conversions and exemplary life.
Adressee: The Church in Thessalonica
•Thessalonica was about 150 kms away
from Philippi, and it was a port city
founded about 315 BC by Cassander, King
of Macedonia, who named it after his wife
A. Address and greeting 1:1-10
B. Missionary behavior and persecution 2: 1-12
C. Thanksgiving to God for the Faith and Suffering of the Thessalonians 2:13-16
D. Visiting the Thessalonian Church 2:17-3:13
E. Further Instructions from Paul 4:1-12
F. Eschatology 4:13-18
G. Parousia 5:1-11
H. Tips for good ecclesial living 5:12-22
I. Closing greeting 5:23-28
Text Study

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