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Today’s Future: Harnessing the

Youth’s Involvement in Agriculture

Ajmira Binte Zaman

Programme Officer, ALRD
Youth in agriculture: a change maker!
• The young innovators are now globally featured as role models who can inspire
others & encourage them to innovate for agriculture; Their stories are a
testimony of how young people are already contributing to transforming
agricultural value chains through their innovations;
• Organised farmer groups are contributing immensely in actively engaging young
people in farming as a business & to provide a sustainable livelihood;
• The young leaders of projects should arm themselves with courage, humility,
objectivity & perseverance. Courage will lead you to a decision; Humility because
sometimes people will underestimate you. Objectivity, & perseverance, for
without it we rarely achieve the results we are looking for;
• Many people say that agriculture is for poor people, & the farmers are exploited;
We have to change this narrative & encourage young people to see that they
have potential, they have promise, & they can transform this sector if they put
their minds to it.
Role of youth in agriculture & food security
• Bangladesh is currently experiencing a window of opportunity for utilizing the
demographic dividend, which will close around 2040; meaning that an increase
presence of youth in population structure;
• This youth community can emerge as agricultural entrepreneurs if adequate policy
and programmatic supports are there;
 Youth-led farmer cooperative in agriculture, family farming & organic farming;
• Some potential indirect youth role
 Youth can motivate the farmers and educate the farming community Value chain
and E- commerce.
 Youth participation as volunteers with marginal and poor farmer community;
 Youth-led SMS connects farmers to agronomic information and local services
 Premiere social platform and marketplace for young farmers;
• Youth has crucial role in connecting low-income households to affordable nutrition.
Challenges of Bangladeshi youth in getting involved in agriculture
• Youths’ lack of access in finance, credit system & agriculture;
• Youth low power demolishes many dreams & innovations;
• Low level of initiatives in family farming;
• Current problems in agriculture in terms of individual status & low
priority sometimes ruin youth initiatives in agriculture;
• Lack of government incentives & initiatives to youth in agriculture;
• Low level of youth empowerment in agriculture farming in terms of ICT
& e-business;
• Lack of youth-led organizations in grassroots farming communities.

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