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Financial Services Marketing

• Financial Services Marketing: Financial services marketing is the

use of various strategies, processes, and tools designed to generate brand
awareness or drive conversions for organizations in the banking and
financial industry.
Ways of financial services marketing:
1. Go mobile with your financial services marketing initiatives:
Everything is mobile in the 21st century, and if you’re not basing your
marketing initiatives around these precious handheld devices, you’re
missing out on one of the most effective ways to connect with consumers.
2. Make social your best target customer: When it comes to financial
services marketing, you’re going to first need to identify the market sector
you’re going for - this directly impacts your use of social media and
dictates where the most time and energy should be spent.
3. Create valuable content: Valuable content builds trust and trust is
vital for selling anything, especially a financial product. If you build your
reputation through valuable content, you will absolutely  bring in more
business and more success to your company.
4. Go bold with branding: Decide on a branding strategy early on and make
sure that everything is kept consistent throughout the marketing campaigns.
5. Engage, engage, engage: Stick to a clearly defined engagement strategy,
keep active on social media and through your interactions with your
customers (phone, email, chat). And before you know, more people will want
to engage with your brand.
6. Over deliver when you can: over deliver and make your service a talking
point where you can, especially if you are a start trying to build your
reputation. This is a great way to make a good first impression in the market.
7. Be smart with ad campaigns: Financial services marketing should be
about making an impact where the majority of the attention is for that target
audience. But so many companies still use television advertisements and
radio commercials when they should be using Google, YouTube and
Facebook Ads.
8. Get influencers to influence: Carefully select influencers that suit the
financial services marketing approach that you’re trying to adopt with those
who accurately reflect the image you want to portray.
9. The Rise of Personalization: The financial services industry is an increasingly
competitive market, and personalization offers a way for organizations to differentiate
themselves and shift the focus to the customer as opposed to the product.
10. Create well-planned and easy to navigate websites: If you are following multi-
channel digital marketing, it is requisite to understand that the experience should be
uniform across all the channels. Also, you need to employ a frictionless UI and UX user
experience to ensure that your customers do not find it cumbersome. 
•11. Plan for Local SEO: If we talk about online content, it is imperative that we talk
about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Finance, being a highly competitive niche,
further makes it harder for brands to gain the trust of their customers. Most of the
customer who conducted a local search visited the nearby outlet within the next few
•12. Answering Consumer Micro-Moments: Micro-moments occur when a consumer
turns to their device to resolve an immediate need. For example, if a customer picks up
their phone and searches the web with the intention of learning something, doing
something, watching something, or buying something,
•13. Invest in email marketing: Email marketing, though one of the oldest forms of
digital marketing for financial services, is still a competitive option for generating leads.

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