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Model Development

Production Case Study - Part 2

John Ciolkosz, M.S. Data Science
➢ C Solutions LLC
○ Data Science
○ Machine Learning
○ Predictive Analytics
○ Statistical Analytics
○ Psychometrics

➢ Instructional Mathematics Coach

○ Educator
○ Mentor
○ Data Analyst
Communication & Questions in a Live Session
● Mics are disabled but chat is open and a great place to pose questions
● Feel free to post questions at anytime
○ However, my responses will likely come during a logical pause, such as when students are
entering in code on their side to keep things moving
● Questions for the class will be shared both verbally/posted in the chat
throughout the course, this helps me gain information about your interests
and career plans to better the content for you
Please rate your knowledge from 1 to 10
for Classification Modeling?

Please type your response in the chat

What is Classification Modeling?

Please type your response in the chat

In your current career, how could you use

Please type your response in the chat

Goals for this session
1) Use Jupyter notebook to explore the penguins Seaborn data set
2) Clean the data for analysis
3) Create visualizations in order to better understand our data
4) Split data into training versus testing groups
5) Train and test multiple classification methods
6) Use cross validation to optimize our model
Let’s get coding! Open up a new Jupyter Notebook

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