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The students will be able to mention the

words relating with genital (vulva)
To conduct a communication with a
client when doing genital hygiene
 Folds (n)  Lipatan-lipatan
 Sensitive tissue (n)  Jaringan sensitif
 Outermost (adj.)  Bagian luar
 Pubic bone (n)  Tulang pubis
 Urinary canal (n)  Saluran kencing
 Fungus (n)  Jamur
 Improper (adj.)  Tdk pantas
 Unsafe (adj.)  Tidak aman
 Vulvar care (n)  Perawatan vulva

 Genital hygiene (n)  Kebersihan genital

 Pass urine (v)  BAK
 Bend (v)  menekuk
 Spread (v)  Melebarkan
 Knee (n)  Lutut
 Perineal stitches (n)  Jahitan perineum
 Perineal wound (n)  Luka perineum
 Top sheet (n)  Sprei atas (stik laken)
 Straighten (v)  Meluruskan
 Pour (v)  Menuangkan
 Cleanse (v)  Membersihkan
 Wipe (v)  Mengusap
 Offer (v)
 Menawarkan
 Disinfectant (n)
 Cairan disinfektan
 Sterile gauze
 Kasa steril
 Urinasi (proses kencing)
 Urination (n)

 Urinal
 Hand gloves
 Rubber mat
 Gauze
 Sublimate cotton
 Disinfectant
 Pincers
 Kidney dish

 Fluor Albus (Leukorrhea)

 Itchiness
 Moist condition
 Inflammation
 Infections
 Bad smell
 Greet the client
 Give information about what you are going to do to the client (the
 Wash hands
 Close the curtain to provide privacy
 Put all equipment near to the client
 Wear hand gloves
 Put a rubber mat (to prevent the bed from getting wet) and top
sheet (to catch the dripping water) under the buttock
 Offer the client to pass urine
 Put a urinal under the client buttock
 Put off the client’s lower clothes to expose the vulva and vagina
 After urination is done, remove the bedpan
 Position the client in dorsal recumbent position
 Do vulva hygiene PROCEDURE 2
 Open the vulva area with left hand and pour disinfectant with
right hand
 Hold cotton balls with anatomical pincers to open the labia
 Cleanse the vulva starting from the left labia minora, right
labia minora, left labia majora, right labia majora, vestibulum,
and perineum
 Wipe this area from top to bottom with the sterile sublimate
cotton balls . If it is still dirty, wipe them again until clean
 If there are perineal stitches, do a compression by using
antiseptic liquid (Betadine), do wound care and cover the
wound with sterile gauze
 Put on the client’s clothes
 Remove the rubber mat
 Collect the equipment
 Put the client in comfortable position
 Wash hands
 I need to wash your vulva, vagina and perineum
for your genital hygiene.
 Do you want to pass urine?
 Lower down your pants.
 I will put a rubber mat and top sheet under your buttock.
 Lift your buttock, please?
 Let me lift your buttock.
 Bend your knees.
 Spread your legs.
 Do you feel pain in your perineal stitches?
 It’s done.
 Put on your pants.
 Let me remove the rubber mat and top sheet.
 You can straighten your legs
 Are you comfortable now?

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