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Diphtong and Triphtong

Group 2 :
Annisa Fadlillah
Annisa Fitriani
Mufidah Zahroh
Nabila Septania
Rahel Anastasia

Monophthong Diphthong Triphthong

 Sounds which consist of a movement or glide from one to
 Pure Vowel: A vowel which remains constant, it does not
 Diphthongs have the same length as the long vowels.
 The first part (sound) is much longer and stronger than the
second part.
The total number of diphthongs is eight (though Ʊa is
increasingly rare).
iə = (example words: ‘beard’,
weird’, ‘fierce’) The starting
point is a little closer than i in
‘bit’, ‘bin’

eə = (example words: ‘aired’,

‘cairn’, ‘scarce’) This
begins with a vowel sound that
is more open than the eof ‘get’,

Ʊə = (example words:
The centring diphthongs ‘moored’, ‘tour’, ‘lure’) For
glide towards the 3 (schwa) speakers who have this
vowel, as the symbols diphthong, this has a starting
indicate. point similar to Ʊ in ‘put’,
‘puli’. Many speakers
pronounce Ɔ: instead.
Three of the diphthongs glide
towards i

ei (example words: ‘paid’, ‘pain’,

‘face’) The starting point is the
same as the e of‘get’, ‘men’

ai (example words: ‘tide’, ‘time’,

Two diphthongs glide towards u ‘nice’) This diphthong begins
with an open vowel which is
 eƱ = (example words: ‘load’, between front and back; it is quite
‘home’, ‘most’) The vowel similar to the Ʌ of the words
position for the beginning of this ‘cut’, ‘bun’
is the same as for the “schwa”
vowel a, as found in the first ƆI (example words: ‘void’, ‘loin’,
syllable of the word ‘about’. ‘voice’) The first part of this
 aƱ = (example words: ‘loud’, diphthong is slightly more open
‘gown’, ‘house’) This diphthong than o: in ‘ought’, ‘born’
begins with a vowel similar to ai.
 The most complex English sounds of the vowel type are the
 A triphthong is a glide from one vowel to another and the to a
third, all produced rapidly and without interruption.
Example of triphthong

Triphthong : 5 closing diphthongs with ‘ə’ added on the end.

• eɪ + ə = eɪə, as in layer, player
• aɪ + ə = aɪə, as in lire, fire
• ɔɪ + ə = ɔɪə, as in loyal, royal
• əʊ + ə = əuə, as in lower, mower
• aʊ + ə = auə, as in power, hour.

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