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Phase 2
Food Packaging
Why do we need food packaging?
• To protect food – packaging contains the product
(stops it from spilling). It also protects the product
from damage.
• To keep food safe to eat – packaging protects the
food from micro-organisms (e.g. bacteria),
pollution or vermin. This means the food is kept
safe to eat.
• To provide information – information on the
packaging can help the customer. It shows when
to eat food by, and how to store it safely.
The information is shown in the form of a label.
Most food labels show the following:
• name;
• weight/volume;
• ingredients;
• storage (if appropriate);
• the date when the food should be eaten;
• country of origin
Date marks
Date marks show the date by when food should
be eaten.

There are two types:

• ‘Use by’
• ‘Best before’
‘Use by’
‘Use by’ dates can be found on milk, cheese, meat
and ready made pizzas.
It shows the day/month, e.g. 19 Feb.
After this date, the food is not safe to eat.
‘Best before’
‘Best before’ dates are used on foods such as
canned beans, dried fruit, breakfast cereals and
frozen peas.
They show the month/year, e.g. Feb ’14.
After this date, the food will probably be safe to
eat, but may not look or taste as good.
Storage instructions
Labels show where best to store the food to keep
it safe to eat.
For example:
• cool, dry place (cupboard);
• refrigerated (in the fridge);
• frozen (in the freezer).
Where should these foods be stored?

Fridge Freezer Cupboard

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