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Group By :3
• Citra Anugrah Pratiwi
• Ariel Ilham
• Ijar Haerani
• Muhamad Syauqi
My deepest gratitude goes to the presence of the
Most Gracious God, because thanks to His mercy, I
can complete this Scientific Writing as expected. In
this scientific paper, I discuss "The Dangers of
Cigarettes for Body Health", a problem that is often
forgotten by many people. However, it can cause big
I deliberately wrote this scientific paper to remind the
public that smoking has a great effect on the health
of the body. In addition, I hope that after reading this
scientific paper, people will know why cigarettes are
not good for their health.
Almost the entire world know cigarettes, who
does not know cigarettes?

A Brief History

Content of Cigarettes

The Dangers Of Smoking

Fatwa On Smoking Law

Clonclusions And Suggestions

 A brief history of cigarette
History recorded in 1942 when christopher
cholombus crosed the Atlantic Ocean for the
first time, A native American who settled in
new world gave gifts of Tobacco leavest which
at that time would viscous element of myth as
an exorcist
 Content of cigarettes
 Nikotin
 Tar
 Karbon Moniksida
 Zat Karsinogen
 Zat Iritan
 Sianida
 Benzene
 Cadmium
 Metano (Wood Alcohol)
 Nicotine

This substance containin opium addiction can cause

a person to continue to smoke cigarettes.

 Tar

The manufacture of asphalt that can be attached to

the lungs and can cause irritacion an even cancer.

 Carbon Monoxide
Gas which can cause heart disease because it can
bind oxygen gas in the body.
 The dangers of smoking to healt, the
following are some of the effects of smoking
on the human body :
1. Health
2. Reproduction
3. Mouth and Teeth
4. Skin
5. Bone
6. Stomach
7. Lung
8. Heart
 The following are the effects of smoking on life:

 Economy

If someone addicted to cigarettes then he will find ways to get

cigarettes. With cigarette prices are quite expensive of couse
burdensome to buy for people belonging to underprivileged, make the
person experiencing the economic crisis.

 Social

A smoker will feel proud if smoking in public, making people around the
inhalation of cigarette smoke. So that the person is prone to cancer.

 Religion

Of smoking is a sin, because it is a destructive activity of human body

 Fatwa-fatwa on smoking law
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Ali Shaikh,
saudi arabia state mufti said smoking is
forbidden based on the texts that sound and
sane mind, as well as the famous physician
 Tips to stop smoking
 Start with good habits
 Cultivate self-awareness to the strong personal to stop
 Make a total decision to quit smoking
 The contents of your body and mind with spiritual
 Start with good relationships in order to perform
activities that good anyway
Looking at the facts in the previous
description, it can be said that cigarettes have
more harm (negative effects) than positive
impacts. If this culture continues, it will cause
serious problems for the health of the human
body. And people should be aware of the
dangers of smoking to their health. However, it
is still difficult to do in Indonesia
After reading this Scientific Paper, I hope the
public can be aware of the dangers of smoking
to their health and immediately leave the habit
of smoking, so that their health is maintained
and will make their bodies fit and healthy and
avoid diseases that threaten their live.

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