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An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a

main occupation.

Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects,

engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or
pursuing other amusements.
Here are some examples of hobbies
Reading is enjoyed worldwide; it’s accessible due to the fact that it’s inexpensive (or free),
and it allows people to explore new and exciting worlds, and expand their knowledge.
Played, heard, and loved worldwide, music brings people together. Whether it’s listening at
home or taking in a concert, music can be enjoyed anywhere.
Video Games
People of all ages can play video games; just make sure you get an age-appropriate game
that is suitable for you and enjoy! If you have trouble sleeping, playing video games can
help pass the time, especially at night where there isn’t much else you could do.
Arts and crafts
Arts and crafts projects can be big or small, and the best part about it is that every day can
be filled with different artistic activities. Get your kids, parents, and siblings involved in the
fun and make it a family activity to remember.
All of this free time has given people patience to make mistakes in the kitchen without
feeling frustrated and giving up. Whether you follow recipes or wing it and make up your
own, cooking sure is a fun new hobby.
Whether it’s a trip across the ocean or exploring the next town over, traveling is an exciting hobby
virtually anyone can participate in. From the planning stage to the trip itself, traveling gives folks
something to look forward to, along with a brief escape from reality. Plus, the memories last a lifetime.
Hobbies help us growHobbies constantly
push us to learn something new. Some
hobbies even introduce techniques that
we never thought we could apply. The
result? Self-improvement that helps us
grow in various ways.
• Hobbies allow us to beat boredomHobbies
fill our time and reduce our chances of
feeling bored or imprisoned. Whether we’re
self-isolating or working from home, we
can count on our hobbies to help us stay
sane. And the good news is that there are
plenty of home hobby ideas we can pursue.
Here are some fun hobbies to try
• Blogging • Journaling
• Creative hobbies help you to use your time for
something positive. It’s easy to idle away hours
doing on social media or TV, and more often
than not, it doesn’t make you feel good about
yourself. In fact, research has shown a link
between mental health difficulties and
excessive time on social media.
• Creative hobbies help to focus your mind by getting
you into a state of flow. This can get you out of your
head and away from any problems or difficult thoughts
that you might have. Creating something and learning
new skills can also boost your self-esteem, as well as
give your brain a healthy workout – boosting your
attention span, memory and problem-solving skills.
Learning a new hobby doesn’t have to take a ton of time, energy, or money,
but doing so can yield some pretty impressive results. By devoting just a few
minutes a day and setting a goal to learn something new, you may find
yourself becoming proficient in something you never dreamed possible.

The hobby ideas list above is just a starting point to get your self-
improvement juices flowing. Soon enough, you’ll not only have another
skill in your toolbelt, but the mental and physical health benefits will leave
you healthier, happier, and feeling more fulfilled.

Roca, Shannel Gwynth E.


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