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Benefits and Detriments

for the sending country

Presented by:
Karen Jy A. Sarno
•One element of immigration t
hat is seen to benefit the sen
ding country is the payment o
f remittances, the sending of
money back home.
•These large transfers of mone
y, from the prosperous devel
oped world to the poorer dev
eloping world, are often view
ed as key to the latter's econo
mic development.
• While the effects of immigration o
n the receiving country have receiv
ed a great deal of attention, less h
as been paid to its affects on the s
ending country. The emigration ha
s a positive effect on the sending c
• For example, by decreasing the labor poo
l in the sending country, emigration helps
to alleviate unemployment and increase
the incomes of the remaining workers. Al
so, emigres often send money home, enh
ancing their families' standards of living a
nd thereby contributing both to the hom
e economy and the nations' trade balanc
• Most emigres are young, male, a
nd married, however, so there ca
n be a destabilizing effect on the f
amily. Some countries have attem
pted to restrict immigration, in th
e belief that it does not enhance
economic development.
•However, the evidence sugg
ests that, because of the be
nefits noted above, this mig
ht result in an even greater
economic decline than such
countries fear.
• In addition, there are a number of o
bstacles that the migrant may need t
o overcome, including:

• unemployment in new country

• racism and cultural differences
• language barriers
• lack of opportunities
The Problems of huma
n Trafficking
Presented by:
Karen Jy A. Sarno
• Human trafficking is a global pr
oblem and one of the world's m
ost shameful crimes, affecting t
he lives of millions of people ar
ound the world and robbing the
m of their dignity.
• Traffickers deceive women, m
en and children from all corne
rs of the world and force the
m into exploitative situations
every day.
• While the best-known form of hum
an trafficking is for the purpose of s
exual exploitation, hundreds of tho
usands of victims are trafficked for t
he purposes of forced labour, dome
stic servitude, child begging or the r
emoval of their organs.
Thank you for
listening ☺️

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