Fakta Edogawa University, Universitas Swasta Untuk Ilmu Sosial Di Jepang

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Fakta Edogawa University,

universitas swasta untuk ilmu

sosial di Jepang
Edogawa University? Apaan tuh?
• Teman teman tahu nggak kalau di Jepang ada juga universitas
unggulan yang memiliki murid internasional terbanyak di Jepang yaitu
Temple University.

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Sekilas mengenai Edogawa University
• Edogawa University ( 江戸川大学 , Edogawa daigaku) is a private university
in Nagareyama, Chiba, Japan. The school has two divisions, a College
of Sociology and a College of Media and Mass Communication.It was approved
in 1989 and opened in April 1990.
• The University's educational philosophy is "Fostering human resources full of
gentleness as human beings and contributing to our society through universal
education and the specialties demanded by the times ( 人間陶冶 /Ningen
Toya : character cultivtion)".
• The purpose of our education is to develop human resources who have the
ability to penetrate deep into the values and philosophy of special sociology,
psychology, pedagogy and other academics with a broad knowledge, then carry
them into practical use with great and rich humanity.
Asalnya dari sekolah wanita
• Edogawa University originates from the Joto Home Economics Girls High School
which commenced in April, 1931 when Ms. Kin Matsuoka opened the school in
her home in Koiwa-cho in Tokyo.The Edogawa Commercial Girls School (Edogawa
Girls Junior High School and Senior High School) was established in March, 1944
which became Edogawa Gakuen Academy in March, 1951.
• Kinu Kiuchi was appointed as a chairman of Board of Directors in 1952, and
instilled in the students the spirit of wood sorrel (meaning ’shining hearts’).
Looking for a four leaf clover in the wilderness, the ideal of the young. From
“Katabami” (Kiuchi Kinu)
• It comes from long ago when Buddhist alter brass and wrought iron items were
polished with wood sorrel, leading to the flower meaning of ‘to polish one's heart
and make it shine.’The wood sorrel became the symbol of the school.
Dikenal karena jurusannya
• Edogawa University was certified in 1989 and opened in April 1990.When
the university was established, it started with only one college and two
departments the College of Sociology and the Department of Applied
Sociology and the Department of Mass Communications.
• TEdogawa University was certified in 1989 and opened in April 1990.he
aim was to develop capable human resources for modern society who
have the ability to respond to the needs of the advanced information
society with high language skills.
• Also to create students able to face modern social situations with a
global and a with a focus on sociology to research and learn.
Kini memiliki 6 jurusan
• Currently, the university has two faculties and six departments (the
College of Sociology: Department of Psychology and Humanities,
Department of Contemporary Sociology, Department of Business
Management. // College of Media and Communication: Department
of Mass Communications, College of Communication and Business,
Department of Childhood and Communication Studies).
• In response to the strong request from Nagareyama City to provide
human resources able to support local children and education, the
Department of Childhood and Communication Studies was
established in the College of Media and Communication in April 2014.
Edogawa Mori no Hoikuen
• Adjoining kindergarten ‘Edogawa Mori no Hoikuen.' It is an eco-
friendly facility for the comfort of the children. The building looks like
a log cabin from the outside in the shape of a U and has a spacious
courtyard. The child care spaces are bright and spacious.
• The nursery school was established in April, 2013 in affiliation with
the University. It is a nursery school with a two story building and a
• The nursery school is filled with natural light with easy access to the
plaza from anywhere in the spacious child care space.
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Fakta Edogawa University, universitas swasta
untuk ilmu sosial di Jepang
• Fakta Edogawa University, universitas swasta untuk ilmu sosial di

• Universitas Edogawa, apaan tuh?

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