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Counter and Event Controlled

Counter Controlled Loop
• definite repetition loop
• number of iterations is known before the loop begins to
• Components:
1. a control variable.
2. the increment (or decrement) value by which the control
variable is modified at each iteration of the loop.
3. the loop terminating condition that checks if looping
should continue.
Example: Printing the first 10 natural numbers.
Event-Controlled loop
• loop an action is repeated until a certain event occurs
• Types:
1. Sentinel-controlled loop
2. End-of-file controlled loop
3. Flag controlled loop
Sentinel Controlled Loop
• indefinite repetition loop
• number of iterations is not known before the loop starts
• sentinel value is used to change the loop control
expression from true to false

Example: Processing of data from a text file of unknown

End-of-file controlled loop
• used when reading from a file
• determined by checking the EOF() function after each
read from the file

The EOF() function will return true when the end-of-file is

Flag controlled loop
• bool variable is defined and initialized to serve as a flag

• loop continues until the flag variable value flips (true

becomes false or false becomes true)

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