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Animation 1: show housing already attached to back of ceiling and then animate the movement of the

module through the ceiling into the housing. Move the camera to show everything from the side, then
move camera to below ceiling to show finished look.

(STEP File provided)

Ceiling 114.3mm 15.875mm

(you will need to provide) 300mm 150mm

Please create ceiling part and show

housing attached to the top of ceiling with
holes lining up.

Place module below hole in ceiling. Animate

the module going up through the hole in the
ceiling into the housing. Move module up
and down a couple of times then all the way Module
in. (STEP File provided)
Please have the camera show from the side
so we can see the module go up through
the ceiling into the housing.
Finished part. When finished, you will have everything fit
together. Please pan around the top and bottom of the ceiling
to show the product and the light.

Housing above ceiling Module

Below Ceiling

Show the module going into the ceiling

This is the script from the voiceover already recorded. The
and it should look something like this.
animation needs to fill 12 seconds.
Please move camera around to show
Acrobat’s light module installs separately from the
above and below ceiling.
housing, at the end of construction. It easily adjusts up or
down, independent of the housing, to guarantee a tight fit
between the optic holder and the reflector to hide internal
components and maintain a professional, clean look below
the ceiling whether fixed or adjusted.

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