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Tips Mengerjakan Soal

Presented by Helmi, M.Pd. (NIDN. 1127078803)
(Dosen FKIP Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin)
Problem 1. Kurangnya kosakata
dalam 2. Terpaku pada makna kata demi kata
3. Membaca teks dulu baru membaca soal
soal reading
 Pahami directions / instruksi tes terlebih dahulu
 Baca pertanyaan dahulu baru teks
 Biasakan membaca dengan teliti untuk menjawab
Cara Umum pertanyaan yang lebih sulit
 Jawablah semua pertanyaan sekalipun harus menebak
 Manajemen waktu
 What is the subject of the passage?
 What is the main topic of the passage?
 What is the main idea of the passage?
 What is the author primarily concerned?
Cara  Which of the following would be the best title?
menemukan  What does the passage mainly discuss?
main idea dari  The passage mainly discusses…………..

sebuah teks Kiat :

Teks hanya terdiri dari 1 paragraf, umumnya main idea terdapat pada
kalimat pertama. Teks lebih dari 1 paragraf, simpulkan kalimat-kalimat
utama pada masing masing paragraf.
 The Dutch are on average the tallest people in the world. Men are
six feet tall (182.5 cm) and women are 5 feet 7 inches (170.5 cm).
Researchers point to a healthy diet and good medical care as the
main factors that lead to a tall population.
 (Source:
ide utama The main idea of the text is ...

(Contoh Soal) a. The Dutch are the tallest people in the world.
b. Men and women in Netherlands have the same height.
c. Diet is the main factor that lead to a tall population.
d. The Dutch are as tall as other countries population.
Cara  How is the information in the second paragraf related to the first
menemukan Kiat:
hubungan Teliti apakah paragraf yg satu merupakan pengembangan dari
antara paragraf sebelumnya atau mempertentangkan paragraf
sebelumnya atau berfungsi untuk menyediakan contoh contoh
paragraf paragraf sebelumnya.
 What type of information is included in the first/second/third paragraph?
 The first/second/third paragraph contains the information
Cara on……………………
 How does the information in the second paragraph differ from the first
menemukan paragraph?
isi sebuah
paragraf Kiat:
Cermati kalimat pertama paragraf yang dimaksud lalu simpulkan
berdasarkan detail detail paragraf itu.
 The fishermen noticed that the pond had many fish. “Look! This pond is full of fish.
Let’s come here tomorrow with our fishing net," said one of them. “I am surprised
we have not seen this place before!" exclaimed the other.
 The crocodile heard all this. When the fishermen left, he slowly slipped into the
pond and went straight to the fish. “You all had better leave this pond before dawn.
Early morning those two fishermen are going to come to this pond with their net,"
warned the crocodile.

Menemukan  But the fish just laughed and said, “There have been many fishermen who have
tried to catch us. These two are not going to catch us either. Do not you worry
hubungan about us, Mr. Crocodile," they said in a mocking voice.
 The next morning, the fishermen came and threw their net in the pond. The nets
antara were big and strong. Very soon all the fish were caught. “If only we had listened to
Mr. Crocodile. He had only wanted to help. For our arrogance we have to pay with
paragraph our lives," said the fish. (Source: What happened to the
(Contoh soal) fish at the end of the story?
A. The fish live happily ever after.
B. The fish were caught by the fishermen.
C. The fish met the crocodile and thanked the crocodile.
D. The fish live happily with the crocodile and the fishermen.
- According to the test, Dumb city is located……
- The passage indicates that James Watt invented the steam engine in………..
Cara - The author mentions that………..
menemukan - It is stated in the passage that the name Dark city…………
tersurat dan Kiat:
Carilah kata kunci dalam soal tersebut yang menjadi inti pertanyaan. Bacalah
tersirat bagian teks yang mengandung kata kunci secepat mungkin untuk menemukan
kata kunci soal. Bacalah kalimat yg mengandung kata kunci tersebut dengan
teliti. Carilah kata atau frasa yang maknanya sama dengan apa yang di
tanyakandalam soal.
 Which of the following is not stated/mentioned/discussed…..?
 All of the following are true except………………..

Carilah kata kunci dalam soal tersebut yang menjadi inti pertanyaan.
menemukan Bacalah bagian teks yang mengandung kata kunci itu secepat mungkin
makna yang untuk menemukan kata kunci atau ide kunci yang berkaitan dalam soal
tidak tersurat tadi. Bacalah kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci tersebut dengan teliti
Carilah jawaban yg tertulis yg disebutkan di dalam teks Carilah jawaban
yang sama sekali tidak ada atau yg tidak disebutkan dalam teks.
 Being able to speak English allows you to communicate effectively in
numerous countries, and this opens up lots of possibilities for you in
terms of the countries you could choose to seek work in one day –
not to mention travel to as a tourist. You won’t have to worry about
getting lost when you travel to an English-speaking country, as you’ll
easily be able to ask for directions, and taking guided tours, ordering
food and chatting to the locals will no longer be a source of stress.
 (Source:
Contoh soal

menemukan These are the benefit of learning English, except ...

makna tersirat  A. Be able communicate effectively in numerous countries.
 B. Open up lots of job opportunities.
 C. Have no worry about getting lost when travelling in English-
speaking country.
 D. Have difficulties in ordering foods and chatting to the locals.
 It is implied in the passage that…………………………
Cara  It can be inferred from the passage that…………………………………
menemukan  It is most likely that…………………………

implikasi  Which of the following is implied in the passage………………………

informasi yang
disampaikan Cermati kata kunci dalam soal. Bacalah teks dengan cepat untuk
menemukan kata kunci tadi. Cermatilah kalimat yang mengandung kata
secara kunci itu dan informasi yang relevan dalam kalimat kalimat lainnyalalu
tersamar simpulkan untuk menentukan jawaban
 Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, PewDiePie originally pursued a degree in industrial
economics and technology management at Chalmers University of Technology in
Gothenburg. In 2010, during his time at the university, he registered a YouTube
account under the name PewDiePie. The following year, he dropped out of
Chalmers after losing interest in his degree field, much to the dismay of his parents.
After failing to earn an apprenticeship with an advertising agency in Scandinavia,
he then decided to focus on creating content for his YouTube channel. In order to
fund his videos, PewDiePie began selling prints of his Photoshop art projects and
Menemukan worked at a hot dog stand. PewDiePie soon gathered a rapidly increasing online
following, and in July 2012, his channel surpassed one million subscribers.
informasi yang  (Source:

tersamar… According to the text, PewDiePie ...

A. Registered a Youtube account around 2011
B. Funds his videos by selling prints of his Photoshop art projects.
C. Surpassed one billion subscribers in 2012
D. Dropped out of Chalmers in 2010
 What is “dumb” in line 5?

 What is the meaning of “dumb” in line 5?

 The word “dumb” in line 5 could best be replaced by….

menemukan Kiat:
makna kata Carilah kata yang ditanyakan dalam teks dengan cepat. Bacalah kalimat
yang mengandung kata tersebutsekalipun tau arti kata yang ditanyakan.
Cermati konteks kalimat yang mengandungkata atau frase yang ditanyakan
 Being “Twitterpated” is a thing. The word "twitterpated" doesn’t
just mean to be infatuated. The Twitter-related version sounds like
constipation for a reason. As Dorsey explains, it's “when you’re
overwhelmed with information or you’re just so excited that you
forget to tweet or forget to share.” We know the feeling.
 (Source:
Contoh Soal
Menemukan  The word infatuated means ...

makna kata a. Obsessed

b. Disgusted
c. Hatred
d. Dissapointed
Terima Kasih

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