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The theory of scientific management was

severly criticized, but these criticisms do

not diminish the merit and reward.
However, it is cinsidered that at this time
there are a number of ahortcomings such
as :
•The mentality and the prejudices of both the
leaders an the employees.

•Lack of sound knowledge of administrative


•The weak industrial and business experience.

Criticism of Scientific Management
From organized labor
 too much pressure to

perform placed on the

 unfair division of
rewards between
management and
Criticism of Scientific Management
From behavioral scientists (later)
 presents an oversimplified
approach to worker
 pays insufficient attention to
social factors in the workplace
that affect worker behavior.
 too authoritarian in approach.
 demands excessive
specialization of jobs and
Criticism of Scientific Management
That humans are not inherently alike. What might
be the most efficient way for one person may not
be for someone else.
Ignores the fact that economic interest are
different for management and employees.
Frederick Taylor - Criticisms
Relied on money to motivate
Efficiency before ethics
Views in accord with socialism
Increased wages until competitions catches up
Built on a lack of trust, a lack of respect for the worth,
wit and intelligence of individuals
Workers Viewpoint
Unemployment - Workers feel that management
reduces employment opportunities from them
through replacement of men by machines and by
increasing human productivity less workers are
needed to do work leading to chucking out from their
Workers Viewpoint
Exploitation - Workers feel they are exploited as they
are not given due share in increasing profits which is
due to their increased productivity. Wages do not rise
in proportion as rise in production. Wage payment
creates uncertainty & insecurity (beyond a standard
output, there is no increase in wage rate).
Workers Viewpoint
Monotony - Due to
excessive specialization
the workers are not able to
take initiative on their
own. Their status is
reduced to being mere
cogs in wheel. Jobs
become dull. Workers
loose interest in jobs and
derive little pleasure from
Workers Viewpoint
Weakening of Trade Union - To everything is fixed &
predetermined by management. So it leaves no room
for trade unions to bargain as everything is
standardized, standard output, standard working
conditions, standard time etc. This further weakens
trade unions, creates a rift between efficient & in
efficient workers according to their wages.
Workers Viewpoint
Over speeding - the scientific
management lays standard
output, time so they have to
rush up and finish the work in
time. These have adverse effect
on health of workers. The
workers speed up to that
standard output, so scientific
management drives the workers
to rush towards output and
finish work in standard time.

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