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Mood board
For this mood board I decided to take
inspiration from many different horror movie
posters where they show the face of
somebody and distort it to seem more eerie.
I therefore applied the same logic to the
typography and distorted the text to try and
match the poster image.
Mind map
All the poses that I used in Poses I will be using quite dull
this specific photoshoot required the colours for this photoshoot
model to be facing the camera at all time to capture the horror
so I could therefore capture their face. feeling.

Photo types movie Colour

I will be taking all the

photos in portrait
I want to be able to take inspiration
from original horror movie posters and
apply that to my own.
Technical skill notes
I used a DSLR camera to take the photos for this shoot with the camera settings of
1/125 sec, F/6.3, ISO: 100. I edited all the photos using photoshop and I was able to
create my own version of an original horror movie poster.
Risk assessment
Potential risk​​ precaution​​ emergency​​

Tripping over All wires should be tucked away​​ If injured seek assistance​​
loose wires from the lights or

Falling over objects​​ Suitable footwear must be worn​​ If the

person badly hurts themself then s
eek medical assistance​​
Lights can overheat ​​ Making sure If there's a fire,
that people are not leaving the then seek call the emergency servic
lights on for a long period of time​​ es and get medical
treatment for any burns​​
Camera can overheat​​ Don’t leave the In the event of
camera on for a long time and a fire exit the building
make sure to turn it off after use​​ and call the emergency services​​
Evaluation and improvements
For this photoshoot I took all the pictures in portrait as it captured the models full
face better than landscape. If I were to do this photoshoot again, I would change
how dark the outcomes were, as it was a bit challenging to edit the photos with the
lighting set up that I had used to take the photographs with.

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