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Using Rhythm Flash Cards (For Grades 4 to 6)

Once you have explained the different notes, rest, and their respective time values, a good
way to practice the students’ counting and coordination skills is to use random flash cards that
present a rhythm pattern that they may clap, tap, or sing.
for example:
1. 2. 3 3.
• Conducting gestures (applicable from grades 3 to 6)
When teaching conducting gestures, it is advised to demonstrate them first in
front of the class. This might be confusing at first since if you are facing the
students, it would be a mirror image; instead, turn your back to them and
lead the gesture so they can follow easily. Do the gestures slowly, saying out
the beats loudly(1,2,3,4 etc.) as you conduct. When conducting, it is
important to note where the strong beats are.

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