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● Aerobic Dance can be made accessible for individuals with disabilities. Most need little help or no modifications to participate successfully in
a regular aerobic dance program. Aerobic Dance also provides an opportunity for socialization and allows one to make new friends. It offers
individuals with special needs a safe and good workout.

● Aerobic dance combines fat-burning and muscle-building exercises. Many dance forms are used, including disco, jazz, and ballet. Advanced
classes are for fit people who want a hard workout. Dancers benefit their heart and lungs as they gain overall strength and flexibility.

-- Aerobic dance is a fan way to get fit.

-- Any ages can benefit from aerobic dance.

-- Aerobic dance classes are usually offered at three levels of intensity.

-- A low impact class is conducted at a slower pace and is easier to do.

-- The advanced classes, also called high-impact, are for fit people who want a hard workout.

● A large percentage of aerobic dance class participants and instructors injure themselves. Most injuries are stress-related and occur to the
lower leg. Over-use of muscles will cause them to fatigue and increase risk for injury.

● Dancing on the wrong type of floor can lead to injury. Do not take high impact classes on concrete or tile floors. They are too hard. A floor
that is too soft may cause ankle sprains. Hard wood or cushioned flooring is best. Avoid floors that are extremely sticky or slick.
● The best clothing for aerobic dance is lightweight and allows freedom of movement. Shoes that give good support an I cushioning to the
ball of your feet. If you want to wear them to intensify your workout, you can keep weight of less than a pound under 1lb.

-- Shoes should slide on the floor without stickies g. Hand, wrist, or ankle weights add extra stress to your joints.


● Aerobic Exercise refers to exercise which is o. moderate intensity, undertaken for a long duration. Aerobic means "with oxygen" and
refers to the use of oxygen in a muscle's energy-generating process.

● Aerobic Exercise refers to exercise which is o. moderate intensity, undertaken for a long duration.
Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time.

● An effective aerobic exercise should involve 5-10 minutes of warming up at an intensity of 50-60% of maximum heart rate, followed
by at least 20 minutes of exercise at an intensity of 70-80% of maximum heart rate, ending with 5-10 minutes of cooling down at an
intensity of 50-60% of maximum heart rate.

● It is a type of exercise that overloads the heart and lungs and causes get up and get moving!!
Find something you enjoy doing that I keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous time and get moving to a healthier life
• Increased maximal oxygen consumption (VO, max) Improvement in cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory function (heart and lungs)

• Increased maximal cardiac output (amount of blood pumped with every minute)

• Increased maximal stroke volume (amount of blood pumped with each beat) Increased blood volume and ability to carry oxygen Reduced
workload on the heart (myocardial oxygen consumption) for any given submaximal exercise intensity.

• Increased blood supply to muscles and ability to use oxygen. Lower heart rate and blood pressure at any level of submaximal exercise.

• Increased threshold for lactic acid accumulation. Lower resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
Increased HDL Cholesterol (the good cholesterol).\

• Decreased blood triglycerides.

• Reduced body fat and improved weight control.

• Improved glucose tolerance and reduced insulin resistance.

• Increased muscular strength

• Increased strength of tendons and ligaments Potentially improves flexibility

(ranges of motion of joints) Reduced body fat and increased lean body mass
(muscle mass)

• Potentially decreased resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure Positive changes in blood cholesterol

• Improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity

• Improved strength, balance, and functional ability in older adults

• Think of aerobic activity as being long in duration yet low in intensity. Aerobic activities include: walking, biking, jogging, swimming,
aerobic classes and cross country skiing. An aerobic activity is short in duration and high in intensity. Anaerobic activities include: racquetball,
downhill skiing, weight lifting, sprinting. softball, soccer, and football.

• Aerobic means with air or oxygen. You should be able to carry on a short conversation while doing aerobic exercise. If you are gasping
for air while talking, you are probably working anaerobically. When you work anaerobically, you will tire faster and are more likely to experience
sore muscles after exercise is over.

• Dr. Cooper, an avowed exercise enthusiast, was personally and professionally puzzled about why some people with excellent muscular
strength were still prone to poor performance at tasks such as long-distance, running, swimming, and bicycling .

•His groundbreaking book, Aerobics, was published in 1969, are included.

-- scientific exercise programs using running, walking, swimming, and bicycling.

-- Cooper's data provided the scientific baseline for almost all modern aerobics programs, most of which are based on oxygen-
consumption equivalency.

-- The foremost objective of aerobic exercises is for cardio-respiratory endurance.

-- Kenneth Cooper (1982) considered the "Father of Aerobics" gives the following benefits based on
1. Promotes strong and healthy bones

2. Helps control life's physical and emotional stresses

3. Improves intellectual capacity and increases one's productivity

4. Aids in the natural way of losing weight and keeping it off

5. Provides significant protection from heart disease

6. Promotes better and more effective sleep. In simple language Aerobic means with "air." By "air" it means oxygen.
• It refers to continuous utilization of oxygen by the body during certain physical activities.

• Importance of continuous utilization of oxygen by the body (at a fast speed such as during aerobic activities) is that it helps oxidation of
fatty acids (I . c . Fats)

• Aerobics is therefore preferred for fat loss program.

Choreographed Aerobic Exercise
• Choreographed aerobic dance, currently participated in by millions of people, is a very popular form of exercise throughout the world.
While originally aerobic dance was in fact very dance oriented, most aerobic routines today utilize fewer dance steps and more athletic movements.

• Low impact aerobic steps never allow for both feet to be off the ground at the same time.

• Knowledgeable instructors will know how to greatly increase the use of arm movements and kick steps to challenge the advanced students in a low impact
aerobics class.

• High impact aerobics routines utilize few, if any, movements that allow one foot to stay on the ground at all times.

• A combination aerobic dance class incorporates both high and low impact movements.

• Typically, the low impact moves are used during the warm-up and cool down phases of the routine.

• In all three types of aerobics classes individual students can vary the intensity of the workout to best meet their fitness needs by increasing,
decreasing or dropping out the arm movements.

• Here are some suggested movements without the use of equipment.

• Study the movements and combinations carefully.

• You are familiar with music-accompanied exercises.
• Anyone can get into the dance aerobics program after learning some basic dance movements with movement-inducing pieces of music such
as swings, disco pieces, and hooked-on-classics.

• The steady and lively beats motivate you to move, especially when in the company of friends.
• Here are some suggested movements without the use of equipment.
• Study the movements and combinations carefully.


• Walking, an often-underrated form of aerobic exercise, is fast becoming a popular form of exercise by many adults because it requires little in
the way of equipment or facilities.

• Because walking is a low impact activity it is often an effective alternative for individuals who have trouble with high impact activities such as
running or jogging. Walking does, however, need to be performed at a brisk pace so that an aerobic training effect will occur.

• When walking at a lower intensity level, individuals need to exercise for a longer period of time, approximately 40 to 0 minutes and more
frequently during a week. Walkers should attempt to burn a minimum of 2,000 calories per week in order to reduce the risk of heart disease

• Jogging and running are two activities that are growing in popularity in the United States. Over 15 million American jog or run to
develop cardiovascular endurance. Jogging is usually defined as low running at a comfortable pace of between 8 to 12 minutes per
mile, while running is defined as a faster pace, lower than 8 minutes per mile.

• One advantage jogging or running has over walking, however, is that an individual is able to cover greater distances in a shorter period of
time which allows for greater numbers of calories to be burned.

• It is also relatively easy to maintain a training heart rate of sufficient intensity to develop cardiovascular endurance while participating in a
jogging or running program.

• Jogging and running technique differs most when considering that joggers tend to have a shorter stride and land on their heels while runners
tend to have longer strides and land on the balls of their feet.

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