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Introduction web design

What is Web Design?.

What is the HTML?.
What is the CSS?
What is WWW?.
What is website?.
What is Web Page?.
URL. 2
Introduction web design

Web design is the process of

creating websites. It
encompasses several different
aspects, including webpage
layout, content production,
and graphic design.

Introduction web design

• HTML stands for Hyper Text
Markup Language, which is the
most widely used language on
Web to develop web
pages. HTML was created by
Berners-Lee in late 1991 but
"HTML 2.0" was the first
standard HTML specification
which was published in 1995.
Introduction web design

In its simplest form, following is an example of an HTML document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>This is document title</title>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>Document content goes here.....</p>

Introduction web design

• CSS is used to control the style
of a web document in a simple
and easy way.
• CSS is the acronym
for "Cascading Style Sheet". 

Introduction web design

There are three types of stylesheets:

Inline Internal External
 Inline - by using the  Internal - by using a  External - by using a
style attribute inside <style> element in <link> element to
HTML elements the <head> section link to an external
CSS file
This kind of style is specified within an HTML tag using the
style attribute. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Inline CSS</title>
        <p style = "color:#009900; font-size:50px;
                font-style:italic; text-align:center;">
Introduction web design   

This can be used when a single HTML document must be styled uniquely.
The CSS rule set should be within the HTML file in the head section

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Internal CSS</title>
            .main {    <body>
                text-align:center;          <div class = "main">
            }             <div class
            .GFG { ="GFG">GeeksForGeeks</div>
                font-size:50px;             <div class ="geeks">
                font-weight:bold;                 A computer science portal for
            } geeks
            .geeks {             </div>
Introduction web design                 font-style:bold;         </div> 9
                font-size:20px;     </body>
            } </html>        
External CSS property written in a separate file with .CSS extension and
should be linked to the HTML document using link tag. 

<!DOCTYPE html> body {

<html> background-
    <head> color:powderblue;
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="geeks.css"/> }
    </head> .main {
    <body> }
        <div class = "main"> .GFG {
            <div class ="GFG">GeeksForGeeks</div> color:#009900;
            <div id ="geeks"> font-size:50px;
                A computer science portal for geeks font-weight:bold;
            </div> }
Introduction web design         </div> #geeks { 10
    </body> font-style:bold;
</html> font-size:20px;
Introduction web design

World Wide Web, which is also

known as a Web, is a collection of
websites or web pages stored in web
servers and connected to local
computers through the internet. ...
Users can access the content of these
sites from any part of the world over
the internet using their devices such as
computers, laptops, cell phones, etc.
Introduction web design

A website (also written as web

site) is a collection of web
pages and related content that
is identified by a common
domain name and published
on at least one web server. 

Introduction web design

A web page (or webpage) is a

hypertext document provided by a
website and displayed to a user in a
web browser. A website typically
consists of many web pages linked
together in a coherent fashion. The
name "web page" is a metaphor of
paper pages bound together into a
Introduction web design

Uniform Resource Locator
• Represents the address of a resource
on the Internet.

HTML is the foundation of webpages, is used for webpage
development by structuring websites and web apps.

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